The time frame for the release of House of Harkness . has been revealed

When will we get Marvel’s WandaVision Role Agatha: Pete Harkness? Marvel Studios and Disney+ haven’t announced an official release date yet, we may now have proof of the House of Harkness release date window. is over redditA Marvel fan has put together a list of some WandaVision And moon knights (best) episode writers who move to Agatha: Pete Harkness. All of these writers apparently harkness house Listed as a TV series “To be created for the 2023-2024 TV season.” It appears that the timing of this may be sufficient. Marvel…

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Elizabeth Olsen talks about the return of the Scarlet Witch in Katharine Hahn’s Wandavision Spinoff

Warning: This story contains spoilers for Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. Elizabeth Olsen is open to creating more Marvel magic with Katharine Hahn Agatha: Pete Harkness. The WandaVision The actresses earned Emmy nominations for the limited Marvel Studios Original Series, produced the spin-off starring Han Agatha’s witch and helmed Wanda Maximoff’s comeback in Dr. Gharib 2. Although she’s more of an Avengers-level threat than an Avenger – it seems the evil Wanda is dying in an act of self-immolation to end Dr. Gharib The sequel – a flash…

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