Pokemon Go reveals the details of December’s Community Day

Not everyone has the opportunity to participate in pokemon goCommunity Day events, and Niantic is once again giving players a second chance in December. As in previous years, this month’s Community Day will focus on the Pokémon that have been available in Community Day events for the past 11 months. The event will take place over two days, and each day will see a different Pokémon appear frequently in the wild. On December 17, players will be able to find sandAnd the Alulan SandeshrowAnd the Alolan GeodudeAnd the hobbibAnd the…

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Pokemon Go Reveals Classic Edition for Next Community Day

in the month of april, pokemon go Players will have the opportunity to participate in two different Community Day events. The first was revealed last week, and today, Niantic announced the second, which will follow the “Community Day Classic” approach we saw in January. This guy brought back Bulbasaur, and this one will instead focus on Mudkip. The event will include 3x Catch XP, and players using Incense or Lure Modules on that day will see them last for three hours. Players who develop a Marshtomp during the event or…

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