Interview: SuperWorld CEO talks about being a gateway to the metaverse, why are users buying a virtual land

When one thinks of the metaverse, the usual images are an entirely virtual world with new digital experiences. But SuperWorld is a different idea than the metaverse idea. It consists of 64.8 billion virtual plots of land, each plot representing a non-fungible token (NFT), and is digitally assigned to the Earth as we know it. Each plot is located in the real world. So, yes, your actual actual house will probably be on it as a blueprint at SuperWorld. Each property on SuperWorld starts at 0.1 Ether or Rs 2.16367 at current conversion rates.

But what exactly does it mean to buy land in the virtual world? And what does SuperWorld offer users? We spoke to SuperWorld CEO and Co-founder Hrish Lotlikar about the idea for SuperWorld, and what exactly does it offer? Below is an edited transcript of the interview.

What exactly is SuperWorld and what is the idea behind it?

Lotlikar: We have divided the Earth’s surface into 64 billion virtual Earth masses. Each block is a unique digital asset. If you buy with that, you get a share of any commerce that occurs in the advertising block, e-commerce, digital commerce, data analytics, and gaming. Moreover, we build applications. We have a mobile app that allows you to create, discover and monetize anything anywhere.

Superworld CEO, Superworld metaverse Superworld CEO Hrish Lotlikar.

Another part of understanding SuperWorld is looking at Pokemon Go and how it adds digital information to the real world. At SuperWorld, if you come to Mumbai, Delhi, London, Los Angeles, or New York anywhere in the world, you can say, Hey why don’t you check out my world. You may have left a hologram of yourself, photos and videos in different places, messages, or even NFTs. These can be all over the world for me to discover and buy. You have the ability to customize the world around you with whatever you want. Me too.

Superworld Metaverse Superworld considers itself one of the portals to the metaverse. (Image credit: SuperWorld)

We also believe that users must earn crypto to use SuperWorld. I call it Live to Earn. The idea is can we use “tokens” to stimulate your passion.

We also have an NFT Marketplace that allows you to create and place assets anywhere, so you can simply create anything 3D, 2D or audio and place it anywhere on SuperWorld. We also plan to launch a token soon, which will serve as a currency for decentralized finance and governance so that users can vote on things in SuperWorld.

How long has SuperWorld been around? How much do users spend on SuperWorld?

Lotlikar: We have been around for five years. We were here even before the NFTs craze started. The average user who pays a fee spends about $2000 in the first month of being on the platform and buys about 10 to 15 properties. We have sold tens of thousands of properties around the world.

What exactly does it mean to buy a plot of land in the virtual world? Because land has always been seen as a tangible property. So how do you work at SuperWorld?

When you buy a plot of land, you are buying virtual land that occupies the surface of the land. We put it on the blockchain. So when you buy this land, it can be publicly verified that you own that block because it is on the Ethereum blockchain.

Super Metaverse SuperWorld claims that users spend an average of $2,000 on the site buying real estate. (Image via SuperWorld)

Land must be purchased from our website. We have your SuperWorld input button, there’s a map page, and you have to set up what’s called a web3 wallet, which gives you access to crypto, you add crypto to your wallet, then you find a place on Earth, and you use crypto to buy that site.

So how does one experience SuperWorld? Is it mostly augmented reality?

Lotlikar: Well, SuperWorld is a cross-platform, software and hardware undefined and interoperable blockchain. Also, AR is on 3.6 billion mobile phones and soon it will be on 6 billion mobile phones. So AR can be accessed on your mobile phone. We are on the web, we use a mobile phone, so we can be reached. We want to be available wherever our customers are.

Who are the people who buy land in the Metaverse area? Are they only interested in cryptocurrencies or do you see this becoming a broader concept and gaining more acceptance?

Lotlikar: With SuperWorld clearly, there are, the first movers in the crypto space or the technology field, who understand what we’re doing. So even if they’re not even coding, but they’re in augmented reality or in technology in general, they’re jumping in.

We’re also seeing this keen interest in people who don’t know much about this technology but want to learn. And SuperWorld gives them a really easy way.

Superworld Metaverse SuperWorld can be viewed in augmented reality or accessed on the web or even your mobile phone. (Image via SuperWorld)

When I talk to people and ask them, where did I buy land in SuperWorld, they usually have a very personal connection to many of these places. If you look at the broader space, the NFT space, a lot of people are a little confused or don’t know why some things are so exciting. They like, I bought it because I think it might go up in value. But in the case of SuperWorld, they covet the land they own. They are very proud of it, and they tell me a story about it, either they got married there, or they went on vacation there, etc. So there is a very strong relationship.

Most importantly, they tell me what they want to do there. If they were artists, they would want to create a gallery with NFTs there. If they are musicians, they want to have a live concert there. Barbados wants to build an embassy in SuperWorld. The idea is that they are very obligated with us about what they want to build and do there.

What are the challenges of creating something like this? How is it different from any other company selling land in the metaverse? Is there a concern that it will be copied by another platform?

Lotlikar: To be clear, the definition of a metaverse is really the amalgamation and summation of all virtual worlds. It is an online and offline interface that is continuous, affecting all parts of our lives, where we live, work, play, etc. The idea is that the metaverse is really all of these virtual worlds combined.

There are probably virtual worlds and there are other virtual worlds like Decentraland and Sandbox, which are completely virtual places. The Big Difference in SuperWorld is set on top of the real world. It has a connection to the real world. And again, just like any platform, you can probably make another Facebook or TikTok. This is not the limiting factor.

What makes Super World unique is that we build a community. All of these virtual worlds, all of these platforms are communities of people who have come together around the platform. These are not just typical users, these are people who come together.

on the next generation as more likely to adopt the metaverse more smoothly

Lotlikar: I see this generation being genuinely involved in SuperWorld. I see it with my children. I have a six year old daughter and a two year old son. She’s just more conscious even though she’s not really allowed to play games. She already knows about these other worlds that exist (Sandbox and Minecraft). I think they’re just digital natives and so they kind of understand it very clearly.

I also see that the reason SuperWorld has really resonated with so many people is because we focus on the real world and real life. We are not a game in that sense. There are many adults and seniors who definitely do not want to play a video game. And that’s what makes SuperWorld different. We want to keep you in the real world and bring a portal into the metaverse.



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