Is Jake Lockley Hispanic? Explore the origin of Moon Night Alter-ego

** Warning – major spoilers await moon knight**

Marvel usually offers post-credits scenes and moon knight The ending was no exception, as it revealed Mark Spector’s third character, Jake Lockley.

With Jake speaking only Spanish during the scene, we reveal whether the character is Spanish in the comics.

Starring Oscar Isaac as Ranger Emeritus, Ethan Hawke, Gaspard Ulliel, Mae Kalamawi, and the series created by Doug Munch, Jeremy Slater, and Don Perlin, it follows former US Marine, Spector, as he struggles with separatist identity disorder and his newfound powers from the Egyptian moon god. khoncho.

Moon Night from Marvel Studios | Official Trailer | Disney +



Moon Night from Marvel Studios | Official Trailer | Disney +





Moon Knight Episode 6 after the credits scene

After Mark/Stephen returns to their normal lives, a post-credits scene regresses into the asylum in which Arthur appears as a patient.

Then we see the now helpless villain being taken out of the hospital in a wheelchair and thrown into the back of a white car.

Koncho waits for Arthur in the back seat, dressed in Mr. Knight’s clothes, and then Lord Arthur introduces Jake Lockley, Mark Spector’s third character who is now making the order of Koncho.

The scene ends with Jake shooting and Arthur killed in the back seat, confirming that Mark is still the avatar of Joncho, but Jake speaks Spanish which confuses Marvel fans.

Still from Moon Knight, Disney +

Is Jake Lockley Spanish in the comics?

No, Jake Lockley is not Spanish in Marvel Comics, but simply the character of Marc Spector’s taxi driver who hunts the streets looking for names and information to aid Moon Knight’s detective work.

However, the MCU version of Jake does speak Spanish – going through the limited amount of screen time we’ve seen of him during the post-credits scene – but we don’t know if he speaks English either.

Some Marvel fans have stated that the MCU made Mark Spector half-Latin, which means it’s entirely possible that Mark already knows Spanish. The MCU also made Jake a more violent version of the comic book alter ego.

Will there be season 2?

no, moon knight Only one season with six episodes is planned, which means there will likely not be a second season.

It was also reported that Marvel presented the previous show hook And moon knight In the Emmy Awards Limited Series category, which also indicates that there will be no continuation.

The only Disney Plus shows that will run until season two are loki And the animated series what if…?Both are expected to continue later this year.

Despite the excitement of the post-credits scene in Episode 6 of Season 2 with more Jake Lockley, this is unlikely to happen.

Image from Disney/Marvel.

By Joe Craig – [email protected]

Moon Knight is now broadcasting Disney Plus.

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