An undisputed way to lose one kilogram per week has been revealed

WWhile there is hardly anyone who has not done so Try to lose weight At some point by trying all kinds of diets, the magazine Men’s health in the United States He just revealed the deceptive proof method of losing as much weight as possible in the shortest possible time: one kilogram per week, or in other words, four kilograms per month.

Although a healthy lifestyle that combines a balanced diet and physical exercise is the most direct path to success, the magazine also lists a series of guidelines that can help ensure that weight loss is not just a one-day phenomenon.

Nutrition is the first point that Men’s Health covers in the US, but it makes absolutely clear that you don’t have to starve yourself. Quite the opposite. That is why he advocates a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, animal and vegetable proteins and carbohydrates, and a ban on the consumption of sugars and fats, as well as alcohol.

NHS experts agree that “fruit and vegetables are low in calories and fat, and high in fiber – three essential ingredients for successful weight loss.” “It also contains a lot of vitamins and minerals,” they add.

The other key to success is to have a calorie deficit, which is nothing more than spending more energy than is being consumed. That is why, in addition to the above-mentioned diet, it is recommended to do cardiovascular and strength exercises.

The NHS explains: “Keeping active is the key to losing weight and keeping it in good shape.” It’s all about “finding an activity you enjoy that can fit into your routine.”

Therefore, by consistently following these two principles, American Men’s Health ensures that the results translate into a loss of four kilograms each month.



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