FBI’s Jeremy Sisto explains the threat that could ‘mistake terribly’ for Mountains in Season 4

The fourth season of FBI It threw a lot of curveballs on the agents as their personal lives transitioned into their careers, and the season four finale—called “Prodigal Son”—will do just that with Gopal. Not even an entire season after having to deal with it He shot Rina and then killed her, his son is pulled into an investigation at great enough stakes that the case could go very wrong for the Valentine family. Actor Jeremy Sisto spoke with CinemaBlend about what’s in the way and how it could go so badly.

The description of the episode “Prodigal Son” reveals that the team’s investigation into a deadly robbery that resulted in the killers obtaining some automatic weapons will be linked to Gopal’s son, Tyler. One of the culprits is Tyler’s classmate, but Tyler won’t be eager to cooperate. Jeremy Sisto reviewed what’s on the road with the episode and how Gopal’s son (who also deals with cancer) got mixed up in the mess, saying:

There is a shooting threat at the school and we find out that the children who are the threat go to Ibn Gobal’s school, and that his son is actually a friend of one of them. rick [Eid]The writer, he directed a lot of things. He wrote a clever and nuanced script that very much considered the complications of being a father in general, but also a parent in this job. One of the facts is that when you have a business with these kinds of bets, sometimes the family gets a little bit of that energy. The other fact is that being a teenager is hard and my son also has cancer and feels especially weak and doesn’t have a lot of friends. So the fact that this boy was so nice to him is a huge affection for him, despite the fact that there are some bets that might seem on the surface that she will rape her, they just don’t.


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