Sonic Origins Dev is “not very happy” with Sega about the state of the game

a developer Sonic Origins Against Sega to express his frustration regarding the aforementioned state of the game. Sonic Origins It was released earlier this week and while it was reviewed fairly well, there were some noteworthy bugs and unwanted changes that fans noticed. The Sonic franchise is no stranger to bad games or controversial releases among fans, but this game has a lot of backstory about it and has generated a lot of drama. The new version has been worked on by Headcannon, a team that worked on it sonic maniabut a member of the team has some strong words about how it was released and even basically disowned the final product.

Developer Simon Tomley has taken to Twitter To say that version Sonic Origins The one released this week wasn’t what Headcannon “handed over” to Sega. Tomley went on to claim that Sega introduced a lot of bugs and issues that didn’t exist when they gave the game to the publisher. Thomley still claims ownership of some issues, some of which even go back to “rushjobs” where there was a major crunch in game development. However, the developer also mentioned that he asked about the delay early on and was told it wouldn’t be possible and pleaded to try and fix a number of issues they noticed with the game. Tomley went on to note that he’s willing to work with Sega again under the right circumstances, but it’s up to the gaming giant if they choose to do so. You can read Thomley’s tweet thread and excerpt below.

“I am very proud of my team for their performance under this pressure, but each of us is very unhappy with the state of the assets and even the Sonic 3 component,” Tomley said. “We weren’t thrilled about her pre-submission status either, but a lot of it was out of our control. We asked for major repairs near dispatch but they weren’t allowed due to submission and approval rules. We asked about delays early and frequently but were told they weren’t Possible. We’ve offered to come back for post-release fixes and updates – we don’t know yet if this happens.”

It remains to be seen if Sega will work with Headcannon or Thomley again, but it’s rare to see a developer go after a publisher like this. Sometimes these things appear later after death, but this happens right after the game’s release and some of the experiences fans had with the game seem to be triggered. As of now, Sega has yet to comment on the matter.

what do you think of Sonic Origins? Let me know in the comments or hit me up TwitterCade_Onder.



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