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Free League Publishing has announced plans to release a Swedish RPG Drakar och Demoner In English for the first time under the title Dragon, Payne. After buying the rights Drakar och Demoner In 2021, Free League announced that it would release a new version of the popular board game RPG, which was first released in 1982. The remake of the game will be based on the original rules of the game and will be funded through a Kickstarter campaign, which will be released later this month . The game is described as a “fun and mayhem” role-playing game, where laughter and brutal challenges are commonplace. Adventures are designed with a minimal expected setup time.

Drakar och Demoner Originally Posted with a translation of primary role-playing, The rules used in Ronquist. The game has undergone many revisions and releases over the years, with many sub-games. English speaking players may be familiar Trudvang records, One of the RPGs released in Sweden as a version of Drakar och Demoner But with a new campaign setting based on Nordic and Celtic legends.

Swedish RPG has become a major part of modern tabletop RPG, with games like Mörk Borg, Tales from the Ring, and Mutant They all find wider audiences in English-speaking languages. Part of this is due to Free League Publishing, which pushed original Swedish RPGs alongside licensed games like one ring And the Alien: a role-playing game.

Drakar och Demoner It is part of the DNA of Swedish backgammon roles, and we are pleased to present our version of this legendary game to a global audienceFree League CEO Thomas Harnstam said in a press release. Härenstam will serve as the lead designer for dragon pine With the art of Johann Egerkrans. Basic rule book for dragon pine It will contain at least one full adventure, with Free League noting that more adventures can be added via extended objectives for the new campaign.



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