Chris Evans responds: ‘She-Hulk’ solves a decade-old mystery about Captain America’s virginity

THere have been many nerds discussions about Marvel Cinematic Universe Which left us all baffled for years but probably nothing like that captain America possible virginity. Over the past decade, there have been many questions raised about good old Steve Rodgers Virgin Case. Watch out for spoilers if you haven’t seen the newStrong womanthe ring Disney Plus.

honorary character Jennifer Walters This same discussion takes place in two separate moments during Episode 1 of the show that premiered on Thursday. In the first clip, Walters shows how Rodgers never changed to lose his virginity in the 1940s before being frozen for more than 70 years. after returning, captain America Immerse yourself in a battle against the bad guys to save the universe. The captain’s very busy schedule, Walters has a point in this first clip.

Hulk reveals the truth about Captain America’s virginity

Before continuing the conversation, she and her cousin were interrupted by a spaceship Bruce Banner During the beginning of the episode and the matter is not addressed until after a sudden scene from the end of the episode. After the episode ends, Walters seems a little upset and almost in tears at the prospect of a Captain America virgin dying. She’s pointing at his backside when she’s scarring him but Bruce Banner It makes a terrible revelation.

As it turns out, the Captain got a lady during his 1943 USO tour. We have our theories and clues coming up on theCaptain America: The First AvengerA blonde woman looks at him as he greets the fans, she might have been the one who picked it Steve Rodgers’ virginity.

The story contradicts Steve Rodgers’ virginity

But we also forget a very important factor that no one talks about, which is Steve Rodgers’ return to the past in ‘Avengers: EndgameIn one of the last scenes of the old movie Steve Rodgers It shows that he is married and proves that he lived a long life with perhaps Peggy Carter.

It is impossible for us to believe that he remained a virgin as a happy married man. He’ll likely have a few kids with Peggy. So there you are folks, Captain America for sure! as such Jennifer Walters Put it in the final credits scene. the actor Chris Evans She replied in a funny way.



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