Why Anakin Skywalker & Ben Solo Had To Die In Star Wars!

While there were a few disappointments with the Star Wars side project set of three, one of the best was the death of Ben Solo. Although the original design of the three films featured the death of Anakin Skywalker, questions were raised as to why the two characters waited to drop the bucket after recovering from their special paths as bad guys on a distant planet. The overall execution of Ben Solo’s destruction wasn’t all that charming, which made the theme of why he was expected to kick the can all the more noticeable.

As found in the three main sets of Star Wars films, Luke Skywalker brought his father back to the light in Return of the Jedi. Anakin Skywalker, who had been Darth Vader for over twenty years, was reinstated as the chosen one by beating Emperor Palpatine and throwing him down the reactor shaft of the resulting Death Star, effectively saving the young man who had chosen to emulate his model as a Jedi. In any case, the Imperial Force lightning proved fatal to Anakin, killing him not long after he recovered. Additionally, Ben Solo’s recovery from not being clear as Kylo Ren was fundamentally similar in the trio’s Rise of Skywalker side project set. After Rey’s failure of the reconstituted Emperor, Ben uses the rest of his image and power to bring Rey back from the brink of death, in an exhibition that costs her her own life.


Although both grandmother and grandson were taken out by the blurred side of the Force, they both lost their lives not long after. Likewise, said recoveries were moved to single revenge shows. This is the explanation that Anakin Skywalker and Ben Solo are expected to eventually pass on in the Skywalker experience.

Did Disney make a mistake in killing off Ben Solo? After the scene of Ben Solo’s crash dueling between the remaining pieces of the Death Star in the making, Rey allowed some of her life to repair Kylo’s wounds. Brought together by the death of his mother Leia and a conversation with his father Han’s fantasy, Ben Solo gave up his nebulosity and chose to aid Rey in defeating the reconstituted Emperor Palpatine. Linked as one-for-one serious force fields through the Force, Ben saved Rey by giving his life after winning the battle.

Regardless, it’s hard not to be fooled by Ben speeding through the Force using limitations never seen or heard of before The Rise of Skywalker. Had he lived, Ben could have continued his recovery as a non-stop patch trip and made up the difference. Armed with the lightsaber of the Chosen One that once belonged to his uncle and grandmother before him, Ben Solo might have been the Jedi he was always expected to be, had he not been cornered by Snoke’s pawn Palpatine. While this fits with Anakin’s downfall, killing Ben Solo right after he recovers removes any potential future he could have had (which would have been very believable if Disney/Lucasfilm had chosen to place it in more people).

Why Anakin Skywalker and Ben Solo Had to Die in Star Wars Darth Vader and Kylo Ren Looking at the other side of Star Wars, it can be argued without a doubt that the deaths of Anakin Skywalker and Ben Solo were decisive. Darth Vader and Kylo Ren were two masters of the blurry side who perfected giant monsters, destroyed shops, and abused the giant frame with all sorts of horrible deeds. Considering the redemptive revenge exhibition is the most remarkable thing the two of them could do to make up for their divergent pasts. If the two of them were allowed to live, Anakin and Ben would have a long way to go to make up for what they did to Darth Vader and Kylo Ren, and he could put their loved ones away from keeping them in hopes of framing their changed by tolerating them. It is said that defeating the Emperor (in two cases) would grant them extraordinary liberality.

Regardless, Skywalker and Ben Solo both expected major atonement exhibitions to fully recover from their equally poor training. All things considered, Kylo Ren loved his grandson (for several incongruous reasons), planning himself after Darth Vader while ruling the First Order at Supreme Leader Snoke’s side. While there’s definitely wasted potential, it’s great that Ben Solo finally recovers and kicks the container in practically the same way Anakin Skywalker did in Star Wars , using the “rhyming and repeating refrains” that George Lucas saw as the middle preparation of the Skywalker experience. general story.


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