Despite dancing on Broadway, Hugh Jackman shares a cute story of his kid making fun of his dance moves

Actors sometimes get tough reviews for their performances, but sometimes their kids prove to be their toughest critics. In this case, Hugh Jackman, famous for his song and dance man, mocked his daughter for his moves. He was rehearsing a scene in Son Where he should dance, to which his daughter replied, “Daddy’s nerdy dance.” That’s quite a statement when it comes to an actor who can legitimately dance well, even on Broadway right now Tap to dance like a pro in music man.

as such music man Himself, Jackman is known for his musical inclination. From greatest showman to me Les Miserables He has emerged as a triple threat on both stage and screen. But no matter what accolades your kids sometimes get, they just can’t admire them. joke with EW On his daughter’s reaction to his dance, she said:

I told my daughter that I have this scene, and the only proof I have [for the character’s approach] is that there is a well-known effect in the hip. I said, “I was coming up with some ideas, what do you think?” She started doing this and said, “Dad, is the idea that you’re doing a dad dance?”


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