The team of Rick and Morty unpacks the inspiration behind the horror episode of Season 6

Rick and Morty Make the series’ first true leap into the horror genre with the latest episode, deciphering the team behind it all John Carpenter and inspiring other horror legends made into the latest episode of Season 6! The new season of the series is starting to unfold in a much different way than fans have seen in past seasons, but the latest is definitely an example of the kinds of experiences we’ve had. I’ve played the series with ideas of horror before, but the most recent episode really dipped in the whole atmosphere right from the jump.

Rick and Morty Watch Season 6 Episode 4, “Night Family,” a sleepy version of the Smith family takes charge and made a full horror movie like presentation that included new music, lighting, and more. Opening about the episode During the segment on Adult Swim’s Inside the Episode that was released shortly after the episode premiered, series co-creator Dan Harmon, writer Rob Schrab, and director Jacob Hare deconstructed the central horror ideas that helped make the “Night Family” episode possible. . You can check it out below:

As Harmon explained, it turns out that writer Rob Sharab’s presentation of the episode in the first place was handling it like a John Carpenter movie. The notion that Rick and Morty was on the run for several seasons before landing in Season 6 was revealed, and her main conception was to try to deconstruct the idea of ​​being a completely different person when you’re asleep compared to when you’re asleep. Re awake. But the main thread behind it was Summer’s sudden development as the villain in the episode.

It was revealed that she harbors a deep resentment of her grandfather, and the team behind the series wanted to explore that further in what it would be like for Summer as a night person. At the same time, there’s actually a great full-circle moment highlighted in the writing as well as it brings back Rick’s early summer cast that has since become a meme among fans all these years since.

But what do you think of the first true Rick and Morty horror episode? Would you like to see the series take that tune again in the future? Let us know all your thoughts on this topic in the comments! You can also contact me directly about all the moving stuff and other cool stuff Valdezology on Twitter!



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