The Devil Is A Part-Timer Season 2 Episode 12 Release Date and Time

The second season of The Devil Is a Part-Timer premiered in July, but now the final season has ended with the release of Episode 12 later this week. With so much happening over the course of Season 2, fans can be sure there’s a huge finale in store to close out the season.

With the arrival of new characters, such as Raguel the Watcher and Chiho’s mother, fans are eager to learn more about them. Episode 12 is expected to share more details about these new characters, so here’s the exact release schedule for the new episode.


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Episode 12 of The Devil Is a Part-Timer Season 2 is set to air September 29, 2022, On the official website of Crunchy Roll for global audiences. As for the Japanese audience, local networks such as Tokyo MX, BS11, MBS, and AT-X will broadcast the episode. Here is the timeline that Crunchyroll will follow for different locations:

  • PT: 7:30 a.m. PT (Sept 29)
  • Central time: 9:30 a.m. CST (September 29)
  • Eastern time: 10:30 a.m. EDT (September 29th)
  • British time: 3:30 PM GMT (29 September)
  • European time: 4:30 p.m. CET (September 29)
  • Indian time: 8:00 PM Indian time (September 29)
  • Australian time: 12:30 AM EST (29 September)

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In Episode 11, Suzuki, Alisel, Mao and Suzuna go to the store to buy a TV. Emi can be seen following Yesod’s path that takes her to the hospital, where she encounters Chiho in a coma and Chiho’s mother who accompanies her. Maou noticed that Rika is in love with Ashiya, and started to panic when he asked her.

The next moment, all the TVs in the store go off, and we see the same bright light we see before Chiho faints. Amy reaches out to everyone and tells them about Chihu’s unconscious state due to her exposure to a celestial sonar, which transforms her life force into magical energy. After witnessing another sonar attack, Urushiara reveals Raguel the Watcher as the cause of the attack. Raguel is an angel who rules over other angels, and he used televisions to send out sonar attacks.

According to Amy, his real motive is to find Layla, and they commit to finding her before Raguel. Then it turned out that Lily disguised herself as a hospital nurse, after which she put a ring on Chihu’s finger, saying that she could become the mother of the next call.

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