Whoopi Goldberg speaks after a movie critic falsely claimed she wore a fat suit for Emmett Up to Drama

The physical transformations of a role certainly aren’t surprising. But of course the magic of the movie doesn’t always affect the actions, as was the case with Whoopi Goldberg during her last performance. Her work in the historical drama film untilOne of the year’s most popular upcoming films, it caught the attention of a critic in particular. However, it was for the wrong reasons, with the writer incorrectly claiming that Goldberg was wearing a “fat suit” in the movie.

After making such a false claim, Whoopi Goldberg took some time off on this morning’s episode of the view To speak and purify the air. Here’s the full story the actor told, and what she had to say in response:

A young lady was writing in a magazine, and she was distracted by my “fat suit” in her review. I’ll just say this: I don’t really care how I felt about the movie, you should know this wasn’t a fat suit. That was me, and that was steroids. Remember last year and I was very [ill.] I’m assuming you don’t watch the show, or you would have known that this isn’t a fat jumpsuit. But I just wanted to tell you that it’s okay not to be a fan of a movie, but to want to leave people’s looks out. So just comment on the acting, and if you have a question, ask someone. Because I’m sure you didn’t mean to be offensive.


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