How Hocus Pocus 2 was originally used by Danny Thora Birch

Danny’s character in hocus pocus She was a young girl who pestered her older brother Max to take her trick-or-treat and help him fight the Sanderson sisters once they were brought back to life. as such cast hocus pocus They are all grown up nowMany had hoped that the Disney+ sequel would show Danny’s place now as an adult. Although it was disappointing to see Thora Birch revive one of her signature roles, we now know how hocus pocus 2 She was originally going to use Danny.

Consider 1993 hocus pocus Show a young Danny sincerely fascinated by her new home in Salem and her appreciation for Halloween, it wouldn’t be surprising if Danny continued to stay in Salem as an adult. Exclusive interview with Entertainment Weekly It was hocus pocus 2 Actress Bellisa Escobedo reveals how an adult Danny originally fit into an earlier draft of the script. She explained:

She was going to be our school teacher. I remember talking to Ann [Fletcher] About being something she was our teacher, and we went to her for help.


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