Alan Moore Criticizes Adult Superhero Movies: An Introduction to Fascism

Watchmen creator Alan Moore’s hatred of superhero movies is well known, as is Call them once A ‘scourge’ of cinema and ‘culture too’ to some extent, but he dragged them further during a recent interview Watchman. Moore described adults’ persistent love of superhero movies as a “childishness” that could serve as a “prelude to fascism”.

“I said around 2011 that I thought it would have serious and troubling repercussions for the future if millions of adults were queuing to watch Batman movies,” Moore said. “Because this kind of childhood — which urges simpler times, simpler facts — can often be a precursor to fascism.”

Moore has been concerned about the notion that “hundreds of thousands of adults” are now queuing up to watch characters and situations created to entertain 12-year-olds—and always were boys—50 years ago. “

“I didn’t really think superheroes were adult fare,” Moore said. “I think this was a misunderstanding that arose from what happened in the ’80s – for which I have to get my hands on a great deal of blame, though it wasn’t intentional – when things like ‘Watchmen’ first came out. There was a huge amount of headlines saying” Grown up cartoon.

Moore continued, “I tend to think that the comics didn’t get old. There were a few titles that were more than the adults were used to. But the majority of the comics titles were pretty much the same as they ever were. The comics weren’t You get older. I think there have been more comics meeting the emotional age of the audience in the other direction… I will always love and adore the comedy medium but the comedy industry and all things associated with it have become unbearable.”

in October 2020 interviewMoore revealed that he hasn’t seen a superhero movie since Tim Burton’s original “Batman” in 1989. He added, “I don’t watch any of them. All of these characters have been stolen from their original creators, all of them… If you try to make them for the adult world, I think it gets kind of ugly.”

Read Moore’s last interview The Guardian website.


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