Lizzo elegantly responds to Kanye West’s tip about body shaming and the genocide of Black

Kanye West appears in the news every day whether it’s because of his social media accounts being suspended Anti-Semitic Comments or presence ‘Egg lives matter’ T-shirt, he is in the spotlight. This time he made headlines in an interview with him Tucker Carlson By saying that overweight people are participating in the genocide of blacks.

responds to lizo

Multitalented Lizzo had a great opportunity to address Kanye West’s comments live at a concert she gave in Toronto, Canada, but instead of directly colliding with Ye, she elegantly said she’s been on everyone’s mind lately, however, that she’s the body and her choice of period.

Tucker Carlson interview

Kanye West told Tucker Carlson during the interview that weight gain shouldn’t be praised and it’s clinically unhealthy, and that both Yi and Lizo share the same trainer.

Furthermore, he mentioned that whenever Lizo lost weight, there were so-called “robots” who according to Ye are the people who bombard the singer and flautist with attacks on her health progress.

Kanye West and his digital ban

Kanye West He was deeply upset after his absence to work on his mental health after his divorce Kim kardashian. Many also remember that he had a complete meltdown when he found out that Kim was dating the comedian Pete Davidson And she started harassing the couple both online and in real life.

Now he made an anti-Semitic post on Twitter and they suspended his account, and this happens right after his Instagram account was suspended for the same reason.



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