League of Legends reveals 2022 season rewards

league of legends Players who have kept going in 2022 and growing their ranks over time finally know the rewards they will get for all their troubles. This week, Riot Games revealed Ranked Season rewards which include a Victorious Sejuani skin for those who earned at least Gold this year as well as other rewards based on other achievements. The season is coming to a close on November 14th, so those who haven’t quite gotten to where they want to be yet have until then to make it happen.

Sejuani this year’s Victorious skin recipient shouldn’t be a huge surprise to those who have watched the hog racer’s popularity rise all season. The Champion has been frequently seen in public matches as well as in the competitive scene not only in the jungle but also in the top lane. Victorious Sejuani goes to anyone who hits Gold with Chromas for skin awarded to players as well.

“A Victorious Sejuani Skin will be awarded to any player who has reached Gold level or higher in a Summoner’s Rift Solo/Duo or Flex game,” Riot’s support article reads on the matter. “This year, we’re awarding unique Victorious Sejuani chromas to both queues. Players who put Platinum (and above) in Solo/Duo and Flex-queue play will earn previous chromas from their queues.”

For those who have at least finished ranked placements, you will receive the Eternals Sejuani Series 1 set regardless of the order in which you finished the season. Ranked profile tokens as well as profile banners will also be awarded to players based on their highest rating for the season. Players will also be awarded Clash rewards based on how well they and their teams perform, and rewards that include tokens, logos and banners again.

For those who have remained admirably respected during their rise in the rankings regarding the game’s Honor system, you might have a shot at the Malzahar skin that Riot previously revealed. It’s called “Three Honors Malzahar”, and it will only be awarded to those who have reached Honor Level 5 during this season.



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