Guillermo del Toro premieres Pinocchio in London and dedicates a film to his recently late mother

Mdirector exican Guillermo del Toro He lives a sweet and bitter moment in his life. On the one hand, he just had the world premiere of his animated movie Pinocchio from Guillermo del Toro Which he co-directed Mark Gustafson– In the BFI London Film Festival.

Stop motion movie received rave reviews From journalists and audiences alike, it is expected to be one of the nominees for Best Animated Film the next Oscars.

He mourns the death of his mother

But he also mourns the death of his mother, Guadalupe GomezWho passed away a day before the premiere of the film in the English capital, according to what was reported diverse.

“I just want to say, My mother just passed awayThis was very special for her and me. “It’s not only the first time you’ve seen the movie, it’s the first time You will watch the movie with us. Thank you.”

While showing his movie, Del Toro Comment that he and his mother have a strong relationship with a story Pinocchioespecially the Disney 1940 نسخة versionThanks to its themes of love, loyalty and honesty.

“I saw the movie when I was a kid, and it’s a movie I have been tied to my mother for life,” It is to explain.

“It affected me because of Pinocchio I saw the world the way I saw it. I was a bit angry because people were asking Pinocchio to obey, so I wanted to make a movie about Disobedience is a virtueAnd to say you don’t have to change to be likable.”

Pinocchio has been his passion project for at least a decade

Pinocchio Guillermo del Toro is the director The first foray into animationAn art form that means a lot to him.

“Everyone who’s here thinks animation isn’t the genre,” he told moviegoers. “That animation is art. Animation is a movie. “

This version of the story was made by Carlo Collodi In 1883 he started a little over a decade ago and can now see it paying off thanks to Gustafson’s help. Del Toro The film sets the plot in Fascist Italy before World War II.

Pinocchio from Guillermo del Toro features voices Gregory Mann (Pinocchio), David Bradley (Geppetto) and Ewan McGregor (Sebastian J Cricket), as well Tilda SwintonAnd the Christoph WaltzAnd the Finn WolfhardAnd the Cate BlanchettAnd the John TurturroAnd the Ron PerlmanAnd the Tim Blake Nelson And the Gorman burning.

The film will be released in theaters in November, and will be shown on Netflix December 9.



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