Can I Run Windows Apps on a Chromebook in 2022?

If you’ve recently switched from Windows to a Chromebook, you’re probably missing some of your favorite apps. So you might be wondering if you can run Windows apps on your Chromebook. Well, wonder no more, since the answer to this question is yes, you can run Windows apps on your Chromebook, using paid software to help you do that.

It’s no secret that some Windows apps can’t work natively on ChromeOS. Users often miss out on their favorite productivity apps, creator tools, and games when making the switch. Fortunately, there are options if you need Windows apps on your Chromebook. One of the most powerful ways to achieve this is to install Parallels Desktop for Chrome OS. Note that although this program is currently aimed at enterprise users, individual licenses are not yet available. If you are part of the target audience, this could be a great complement to your ChromeOS workflow.

Run Windows apps on Chromebook with Parallels Desktop for ChromeOSA Chromebook running Enterprise will display the managed organization.

parallel to the desktop It is a full-featured Windows container that runs natively on ChromeOS. This program allows you to run the full version of Windows, but there are a few important things that you should be aware of. Parallels Desktop is currently only widely available for business clients, which makes this option of little use for individual users at the moment.

With Parallels Desktop for ChromeOS, IT departments can enable proprietary, full-featured Windows apps – including the original Microsoft Office – on ChromeOS devices, both online and offline. You will need to upgrade Chrome Enterprise to run Parallels. Some of the main features of Parallels Desktop for ChromeOS include:

  • Switch between ChromeOS and Windows easily – no need to reboot.
  • Suspend and resume Windows to get back to work right away.
  • Open files on ChromeOS using Windows apps.
  • Bonus: One-touch access to over 30 tools with the included Parallels Toolbox.
  • Use the full feature sets of desktop applications including Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and more.
  • Access the Windows desktop, documents, downloads, and custom folders from ChromeOS files.
  • No internet? Not a problem! Files and applications are fully accessible both online and offline.
  • Easily move content between ChromeOS and Windows via the shared clipboard.
  • Print from Windows to supported printers.
  • Keep streaming with your mouse, camera, microphone, audio, and dock, plus USB smart card reader support.
  • Enjoy the view with dynamic resolution and full screen support.

While all of this may sound great, there are some caveats to all of this. You’ll need to keep in mind that not all Chromebooks can run Parallels Desktop for Chrome OS. There are some really strict requirements that we’ll go over next.

You need at least ChromeOS 85 or later. Additionally, you need the Google Admin console, Chrome Enterprise/Chrome Education Upgrade, Microsoft Windows, and Enterprise Storage Server. In terms of hardware, supported processors include Intel Core i5 or i7 and AMD Ryzen 5 or 7. You will also need at least 8GB of RAM and a 128GB SSD on your device.

While some of these specifications seem limited, keep in mind that this program is currently aimed at enterprise customers. If your Chromebook or ChromeOS tablet meets the minimum requirements, you might also enjoy purchasing a docking station to turn your Chromebook into a complete workstation.

What Windows Apps Run on Chromebook via Parallels?

Parallel to the desktop running Microsoft Office applications

With Parallels Desktop for ChromeOS, you can run the majority of popular Windows applications. Maybe you want to run the full Windows version of Microsoft Office? This is one of the most compelling use cases for Parallels Desktop for Chrome OS. With a full version of Windows installed on your ChromeOS device, you can easily download and run the full desktop version of each Office application.

There are some major advantages to this method. Most importantly, you retain all the power of Microsoft’s applications. Some professional features, such as the Data Analysis ToolPak in Excel, are missing from the web app and Android app. Running Parallels on a Chromebook gives access to all the functionality found only in desktop apps.

Most PC games should work fine with Parallels, but keep in mind that the quality of the games will depend on the specifications of your Chromebook. The good news is that Parallels requires a fairly powerful spec to be installed, so you should be able to play some games as well. Not all functions work exactly like a real Windows device. For example, you can run the Windows version of iTunes more smoothly with Parallels. However, you lose the ability to sync your iPhone or iPod. This is an important warning to heed. Although you can run Windows on your Chromebook using Parallels, the device doesn’t always behave like a computer.

It turns out that you can actually run Windows apps on any of the best Chromebooks, provided you’re an enterprise or education customer. If you are ready to buy Parallels Desktop for Chrome OSThe full power of Windows comes to your Chromebook. For those who want to get started with Parallels, hit the links in the boxes below. If you’ve tried Parallels on your Chromebook, let us know how it goes in the comments section.

    Parallels Desktop is a full-featured Windows container that runs natively on ChromeOS. This software allows you to run the full version of Windows on your Chromebook.

    Windows 10 is the most popular operating system in the world. Used on computers from many manufacturers. You need a copy of Windows to use Parallels.

    The most popular productivity suite, Office has everything you need for school or work, with Word, Excel, Powerpoint, and OneNote included. Make sure you have a copy of Office to use with Parallels.


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