Top 10 Rock 30 episodes ranked

It’s hard to single out 30 rockThe best episodes, as the NBC comedy is known for being one of the best episodes of all time. Concepts, characters and 30 rock Running jokes mean there’s rarely a dull moment, and every episode is packed with guest stars and great solos. But we’ve narrowed down the best episodes of 30 rockRun for seven seasons and you rated it. Without further ado, here they are!

Liz and Jack watch Governor Dunston on TV

(Image credit: NBC)

10. “Governor Dunston” (Season 7, Episode 2)

The plot of the first episode on our list revolves around a new Republican vice-presidential candidate who looks just like Tracy. The Governor is the perfect subject for a TGS sketch, but Jack and Liz’ agreement to tank NBC with bad graphics hampers the writers’ room.


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