Forspoken: Chapter 4 – Where to find Auden & Robian in Cipal

In Forspoken Chapter 4, you need to hunt down Auden & Robian, but they are hard to track down in Cipal City. Follow this guide to find them.

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Cipal’s main objective from Chapter 4 is to take off Odin’s father, Shrimp. You’ll need to track down Robian in town in order to get both Robian and Auden back to Auden’s house. At the opening of the fourth chapter, Odin will tell Frey that she can search for Tantas in the archives.

Related: Forspoken: How to get nuggets

Auden will manage herself to find her father and take care of him, shrimp. If you do not complete this Main target with Auden and Shrimp First, Odin will not be located anywhere within the city. Once you complete the Robian quest in the main objective, you can find Auden in her home.


Find Shrimp in Harkiska Grove

Daredevil Shrimp, Frey, and Odie at the Blue Tree

You can track down the Robian by running to the western part of Cipal City, called Harkeska Grove. Get close to the tree, and you will see a scene with Robian is trying to extract the sap from the treebefore Odin came to try to calm him down.

After the scene ends, Frey will be allowed to return to her goal of searching Cipal’s archives for information on Tantas.

Detour: Robyan’s Fond Memories

Talking robins guard cherished memories

Before Sybil leaves to defeat Tanta Scylla, stop by Odin’s room to find Shrimp. Start this detour to help Robian more, and you can get access to more dialogue with Auden.

It looks like Robian lost something valuable while he was in town. To start your search for it, go back to where you first found your Robian earlier, at Harkeska Grove. Talk to the guard thereand it will direct you to where the next Robian is from Upper city area.

The task marker will indicate that you are going to the upper city. There will be Three people to talk tostarting with a woman at the bottom of the stairs. She will only give you an animal bone, which is not what you are missing from Shrimp.

After that, head to Lower city to speak to a little boy With an important tag on it too. Fry will take a medical book which she assumes is what Rubeen is missing.

Once you’re back in Auden’s room and talking to Robian, the turn will be complete.

Related: Forspoken review: Fun, but flawed

Home cooked udon meal

Frey and Auden look disappointed at Auden's Forspoken cooking

Now that you’ve completed the Robian turn, you’ll be able to spend some time alone with Auden again. A new event is available that you can watch with Auden just by talking to her inside her house. She will ask Fry how she can thank her for not only returning some of her father’s journals, but for returning her actual father safely as well. Fry responds by asking Auden about A.J Home cooked meal.

Home cooked meal It doesn’t turn well. “Everything on the table is burned to a crisp,” and you’re given the next three different dialogue options as Frey responds to Auden.

  • “Well, I went to all the trouble. Here is nothing…
  • I… I don’t think I can eat that…”
  • it looks delicious! Chow time!”

After your dialogue is chosen in Frey’s own words, you’ll suggest to Auden that they’re just the two of them Have a drink next time.

Next: Forsboken’s dialogue isn’t that bad, it’s just guys


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