How do we get an aspect of revenge

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One of the most desirable aspects of Diablo 4 Druids is the revenge aspect. It can greatly increase the damage of your base skill, especially if you are running a build that increases Fortify.

Related: Diablo 4: The Best Aspects of a Priest, ranked

But on top of knowing where to go to get it, it is very difficult to obtain, as you have to fight off wave after wave of mobs, some of which have particularly difficult abilities. Therefore, it is a good idea to know what these mobs are doing, so you can prepare a game plan against them.

Where to find the face of revenge

Diablo 4 landing on the beach

The Vengeance Aspect is obtained by completing the side dungeon called Seaside Descent, which you can find in the Dry Steppes region, on the far western side of the map, as shown above. It’s northeast of the Dry Hate Fields of the Dry Steppe, and next to where it says “Dry Steppe” on the map.

The lonely cave and the dark depths

Diablo 4 secluded cave

The first area of ​​the Seaside Descent dungeon is the Secluded Cave, but there isn’t much to explain about this. The objective is simple, destroy all enemies, so simply walk around the respective area, find and kill every enemy you see. If a notification appears that you have entered the murky depths, but you still miss the enemies, walk back. Check the map as there is probably an area with enemies that you haven’t explored yet.

Aim from more specific murky depths. You are supposed to kill two greedy captains. One of them, Leroy, is nothing too crazy. It will fire multiple AoE damage circles at once, which are fairly easy to dodge if you have evasion available. He can also, like many mobs throughout the game world, surround you with walls.

On the other hand, Bartholomew can be a bit annoying for ranged builds. He has a permanent circle around him that blocks any ranged attacks from outside the circle, so you need to get up close and personal to deal damage. If you have a glass cannon type physique, as with the magician, this will be very annoying, as you will not have the space to avoid his blows. Do your best to stay on the edge of the circle to minimize damage. You can also save waits and exit them all at once when entering the circle.

lost treasure

Diablo 4 corpse pile

The final area of ​​Seaside Descent is the Lost Hoard. Here, you have to destroy three piles of corpses. The moment you engage one of them, the corpse pile will start releasing toxic pools and spawning enemies. Nothing crazy here, but the mound also periodically explodes into blood and deals quite a bit of damage if you get too close to it.

It is difficult to predict when these explosions will occur, so do your best to keep your distance from them and attack from a distance. If you’re a purely short-range attacker, look for damage right after the explosion.

Next: Diablo 4: How to get the Legendary Alpha side


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