How to use screen distance to reduce eye strain on iOS and iPadOS 17

Screen Distance is a useful new feature in iOS 17 and iPadOS 17 that alerts you if you’re holding your phone or tablet too close to your face.

iOS 17 and iPadOS 17 introduced a lot of good things, including one feature called Screen Distance, which is designed to help maintain eye health for younger users and prevent the development of myopia, as well as reduce eye strain for people of all ages. Once the feature is turned on, the device’s TrueDepth camera will monitor (pun intended) any time you get your device too close to your face. It measures the distance between the device and your eyes, and if the distance has been less than an arm’s length for a certain amount of time (Apple doesn’t disclose how long, but I found it started after about four minutes), you’ll get a notification to adjust.

It’s really easy to setup in just a few steps. The steps are identical for iPhone and iPad, but I used iPhone 14 for this tutorial.

How to use screen distance to reduce eye strain on iOS and iPadOS 17

  1. go to settings.
  2. go to The duration of use of the device.
  3. He chooses screen distance.
  4. The first time you open this, a notification will pop up explaining what the feature does. He chooses Complete.
  5. You’ll get more details on how Screen Distance works. Read this and decide Complete.
  6. Tap the slider on the right to turn on screen distance if it’s not already on.

You can now go ahead and use your phone as normal. If it detects that you’ve been holding the phone too closely (ie, less than 12 inches from your face) for (in our tests) about four minutes, you’ll see a message that says, “iPhone too close.” Move your arm or head away to a safer distance, and a checkmark will appear on the screen to confirm that you are now viewing from a safer distance. You can click Complete to dismiss the prompt, but if you zoom it in again, the notification will reappear.

Screen distance is one of the new iOS 17 features that I use the most. It’s a simple way to help prevent a nasty headache you might get, without realizing it’s from the bright screen. It can also encourage those who are already nearsighted to wear their glasses instead of holding the phone too close and squinting. It’s also a great reminder that you may be endlessly scrolling through social media and should probably take a break.

Parents with young children will also appreciate this feature. They’ll love not having to constantly remind their kids to keep their iPhone or iPad away from their face while they’re playing games or watching videos. Content will not resume until the child holds the device away and gets this check mark. And it will continue to appear if they move it again. Even if parents find they still have to remind kids to stop holding the device so closely, turning on this feature and having Apple send a warning is a good justification that ‘the rents have been right all along.


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