Pokémon Anime: Top 10 Hoenn Episodes


  • The Hoenn region in Pokémon: Advanced and Pokémon: Advanced Challenge is full of memorable episodes that left a lasting impact on fans.
  • Each episode in this beloved chapter features exciting challenges, emotional farewells, and ferocious battles that illustrate the relationship between trainers and Pokémon.
  • From Ash and May’s shared adventure to May’s humble experience with her first Pokémon competition, the Hoenn region offers a variety of episodes that highlight the growth and determination of its characters.

Pokémon has delighted fans for decades, and the Hoenn region, which appeared in seasons six and seven (Pokémon: Advanced and Pokémon: Advanced Challenge), is no exception. In this saga, Ash Ketchum embarks on a new adventure with ambitious Pokémon Coordinator May, exploring the diverse region of Hoenn and taking on powerful Gym Leaders.

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Along the way, they encounter a host of unique Pokemon and develop lasting friendships. From intense battles to emotional send-offs, the Hoenn region delivers unforgettable episodes that left a lasting impact on the hearts of Pokémon fans. Let’s explore the best episodes from this beloved chapter in the Pokémon anime.

10 Get the offer on the road!

Drive from Pokemon

In Get the Show on the Road! Ash arrives in the Hoenn Precinct excited to start a new journey. He meets Mai, a newbie Pokémon Trainer who is unsure of her path. As Mai struggles to pick her first Pokémon, Ash helps her overcome challenges.

After accidentally freeing the three starter Pokémon from Professor Birch’s lab, they team up to get them back. May chooses Torchic as her partner, while Ash gets Pikachu back. This marks the beginning of their joint adventure full of exciting challenges and unforgettable experiences.

9 Boiled ego!

Ekans from Pokemon

In A Poached Ego! and Ash, Brock, and May continue their journey through Hoenn. They come across a poacher named Rico, who is capturing Ekans and Koffing for profit. Jesse, James and Meowth of Team Rocket, who are still hunting Ash and his friends, become involved when they discover Rico’s actions.

Feeling a strong connection with the captive Pokémon, Jesse and James recall their cute companions, Ikanz and Koving, who have evolved into Arbuk and Weezing. They secretly decide to rescue the captive Pokémon from Riku in a dangerous battle.

8 The tree is the crowd

Treecko from Pokemon

In Tree’s a Crowd, Ash encounters the stubborn Treecko who is defending his tree home from a herd of aggressive Taillow. Ash and his friends help Treecko protect the tree, marveling at her tenacity and determination. As the group confronts Taillow, Treecko displays her impressive fighting skills, earning her a crush on Ash.

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When the tree eventually collapses, Treecko joins Ash on his journey. He captures Ash Treecko, marking his first Pokémon catch in the Hoenn region and boosts his team to meet the challenges that lie ahead in his quest to become a Pokémon Master.

7 A hole is a lotta problem

Meow from Pokemon

In A Hole Lotta Trouble, Ash and his friends are separated from their Pokémon after they fall into a series of underground tunnels. As the Trainers navigate the maze-like caverns to reunite with their Pokémon, Team Rocket also gets caught up in the tunnels, hatching another plan to catch Pikachu.

Meanwhile, the Lost Pokémon work together to escape an underground maze, showcasing their teamwork and problem-solving skills. Finally, the Trainers and their Pokémon reunite, successfully thwarting Team Rocket’s scheme and showing trust between the Trainers and their Pokémon.

6 Corvishin is gone

Ash and friends from Pokemon

In Gone Corphishin’, Ash and his friends continue their journey through the Hoenn region. Eager to catch a new Pokémon for his team, Ash hears of a powerful Water-type Pokémon, Corvish, living nearby.

Throughout the episode, Ash and his friends have several encounters with the feisty Corvish, but she always eludes capture. The group decides to camp near a river, where they set up fishing lines to catch the elusive Corvish. At the same time, Team Rocket is spying on them, planning to capture Pikachu as usual.

5 Win, lose or roll!

Pokémon contest from Pokémon

In Win, Lose or Drew! May, is participating in her first Pokémon competition, and is eager to prove her skills. During a beauty contest, she encounters her rival, Drew, who is a talented and experienced competitor. Despite her best efforts, May eventually loses to Drew, who goes on to win the competition.

Despite her disappointment, May learns valuable lessons about grace, sportsmanship, and the importance of hard work. This humbling experience prompted her to improve her skills, furthering her determination to become a great Pokémon Coordinator and paving the way for future encounters with Drew.

4 Let Bagons Be Bagons

Bagon from Pokemon

In Let Bagons Be Bagons, Ash and his friends encounter a group of Bagon, Dragon-type Pokémon, who live in a mountainous area. However, they discover that Bagon has problems as it struggles to evolve into its final form, Salamence.

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The group meets a boy named Morrison, who encourages them to catch and train their Pagon. Brock comes up with a rigorous training plan, and everyone works hard to help Bagon develop. Eventually, they developed Bagon into the second stage Shelgon.

3 Delcatty got your tongue

Skeety from Pokemon

In Delcatty Got Your Tongue, Ash and his friends meet a little girl named Kimmy, who is upset and looking for a missing Skitty. She explains that her Skitty was captured by Team Rocket, who mistook it for a valuable Delcatty.

Team Rocket makes plans to sell Skitty to the highest bidder. However, they soon realize that Skitty is not Delcatty and attempt to free him. However, Skitty refuses to leave Team Rocket, and they eventually decide to keep him as theirs.

2 Mostly fall

Julbin from Pokemon

In Gulpin It Down, Ash and his friends come across a group of Gulpin, a small, bubble-like Pokemon that eats everything in sight, including the town’s food supply. The group meets a scientist named Professor Jacuzzi, who studies gulpin’s eating habits.

He reveals that Gulpin is overeating because they are trying to store up energy for their next evolution into Swalot, a stronger and larger Pokémon. Ash and his team work together to stop Gulpin’s rampage before it’s too late.

1 eating garden

Snorlax from Pokemon

In The Garden of Eatin, Ash and his friends visit Slakoth’s Banana Garden but find the trees bare due to Snorlax eating all the bananas. Ash decides to capture Snorlax, but Pikachu’s attacks have no effect.

Professor Oak advises them to use a Pokémon that cannot be put to sleep, so Marcel helps them evolve Slakoth into Vigoroth. Vigoroth battles and challenges Snorlax to a battle. After an intense fight, Vigoroth wins, turning Marcel Snorlax into the centerpiece of the relaxation room.

Next up: Ash Ketchum is finally a Pokemon World Champion


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