Assassination Classroom: 10 Best Characters, Ranked

Assassination Classroom is a renowned Shonen anime and manga series that masterfully combines humor, action, and heart. The plot centers on an immensely powerful creature, Koro-sensei, threatening to obliterate Earth but paradoxically becomes a beloved teacher to Class 3-E at Kunugigaoka Junior High School.

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The characters have unique traits and captivating arcs, which enhance the series’ allure. Key characters like the intuitive Nagisa Shiota, the mischievous Karma Akabane, and the multi-layered Kaede Kayano contribute to the show’s brilliance. With its blend of fascinating characters and its unconventional take on teacher-student relationships, Assassination Classroom leaves a lasting impression on its audience.

10 Manami Okuda

Manami Okuda from Assassination Classroom

Manami Okuda, a key character in the Assassination Classroom, stands out for her expertise in chemistry and poisons despite her introverted nature. This dichotomy between her quiet demeanor and deadly knowledge makes her fascinating.

Shy yet determined, she becomes instrumental in devising strategies to assassinate Koro-sensei. Okuda’s earnestness and honesty make her endearing to viewers, and her character development throughout the series is remarkable. While she initially struggles with communication, she grows to express her thoughts more confidently, embodying the transformative impact of Koro-sensei’s unique teaching approach.

9 Ryūnosuke Chiba

Ryūnosuke Chiba from Assassination Classroom

Ryūnosuke Chiba is a compelling character known for his quiet demeanor and exceptional sharpshooting skills. Chiba is considered one of the best marksmen in Class 3-E. He rarely draws attention to himself, yet his contribution is indispensable when it comes to gunfights and assassination attempts against Koro-sensei.

Despite his withdrawn and shy nature, Chiba possesses a strong sense of camaraderie and plays a crucial role in the class’s collective efforts. Over the series, his character subtly grows and shines, showcasing the deep impact of Koro-sensei’s unorthodox teaching methods.

8 Ritsu

Ritsu from Assassination Classroom

Ritsu is a unique character, formally known as Autonomous Intelligence Fixed Artillery. Initially introduced as an artificial intelligence designed for assassination, Ritsu evolves from a mere tool into a beloved member of Class 3-E.

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Following Koro-sensei’s modifications, she gains the ability to learn and adapt, mirroring a human-like consciousness. Her journey from a cold and unfeeling machine to a compassionate entity emphasizes the power of Koro-sensei’s teachings. Despite her non-human status, Ritsu displays remarkable changes, eventually developing bonds with her classmates and participating in school activities.

7 Yūma Isogai

Yūma Isogai from Assassination Classroom

Yūma Isogai serves as the class president of Class 3-E and is admired for his leadership. Despite coming from a less fortunate background, he doesn’t let his financial situation define him. Instead, he remains optimistic, hardworking, and humble.

His leadership is a beacon for his classmates, and his charismatic personality brings them together during difficult times. Isogai’s combat abilities and his smart, tactical mind make him a formidable force in the class’s assassination attempts against Koro-sensei. Throughout the series, his character embodies the values of resilience, courage, and self-belief.

6 Irina Jelavić

Irina Jelavić from Assassination Classroom

Irina Jelavić, also known as Bitch-sensei is a professional assassin turned English teacher who adds complexity to the series. Her exotic looks, alluring charisma, and deadly skills make her a captivating character. Initially, she appears aloof, viewing her students merely as tools.

However, she undergoes significant development under the influence of Koro-sensei’s teachings. Irina starts genuinely caring about her students and becoming a more integral part of Class 3-E. Her growth from a detached, self-serving assassin to a dedicated teacher highlights the transformational power of empathy and understanding.

5 Tadaomi Karasuma

Tadaomi Karasuma from Assassination Classroom

Tadaomi Karasuma is a government agent appointed as Class 3-E’s P.E. teacher. Karasuma brings a military rigidity to the unconventional classroom, serving as a serious counterpoint to Koro-sensei’s whimsicality.

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Despite his stern demeanor, he cares deeply for his students, training them rigorously to hone their assassination skills. Over time, Karasuma shows subtle emotional growth, hinting at a softer side beneath his hardened exterior. His relationship with Irina Jelavić adds an intriguing subplot to the series. As both a mentor and protector to the students, Karasuma plays a significant role.

4 Kaede Kayano

Kaede Kayano from Assassination Classroom

Kaede Kayano is a central character known for her cheerful demeanor and petite stature. But beneath her bubbly exterior lies a surprising twist. Originally appearing as a simple, food-loving girl, Kaede’s true nature unfolds dramatically, adding an intriguing layer to the storyline.

Despite her complex backstory, she deeply values her friendships and the unconventional education she receives in Class 3-E. Kaede’s character growth, marked by courage and resilience, contributes to the emotional aspect of the series. Her character arc underscores personal growth in the face of adversity.

3 Karma Akabane

Karma Akabane from Assassination Classroom

Karma Akabane, one of the most memorable characters, is known for his intelligence, mischievous nature, and impressive combat skills. Karma is a rebellious student, but his complex character unfolds, revealing a deep understanding of his classmates and a sharp strategic mind.

His devil-may-care attitude, paired with his fierce loyalty, makes him a compelling character. Despite his initial antagonistic stance towards Koro-sensei, Karma’s relationship with his teacher develops profoundly, highlighting his capacity for change and growth. His journey from a disruptive force to a driven, caring individual makes him popular.

2 Nagisa Shiota

Nagisa Shiota from Assassination Classroom

Nagisa Shiota is the main student protagonist whose journey of self-discovery is the heart of the series. Nagisa’s unassuming appearance and humble nature hide a strategic mind and latent talent for assassination. He often serves as the moral compass and the voice of Class 3-E.

Throughout the series, Nagisa grapples with personal struggles, allowing viewers to empathize with his character development. His relationship with Koro-sensei is pivotal, molding him into a more confident individual. Nagisa’s transformation from a timid student to a decisive leader embodies the series’ central theme.

1 Koro-Sensei

Koro-Sensei from Assassination Classroom

Koro-sensei, the titular character of Assassination Classroom, is an enigmatic creature with a bounty on his head due to his threat to destroy Earth. He becomes a dedicated and beloved teacher to Class 3-E, teaching valuable lessons beyond the traditional curriculum.

Koro-sensei embodies contradiction with his bizarre appearance, immense powers, and unexpected vulnerability. His unique teaching methods and genuine care for each student make him an unforgettable character. His character embodies the series’ central themes of redemption, the potential for change, and the profound impact of a good teacher.

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