Jujutsu Kaisen: Who Is Noritoshi Kamo?

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Noritoshi Kamo is a notable figure in the history of the jujutsu world. However, there are two characters going by this name: Noritoshi Kamo, a student at Kyoto Jujutsu High, and the historical Noritoshi Kamo, often referred to as the most evil sorcerer.

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In the Shibuya incident Arc, the consequences of Kamo’s actions are greatly felt, and Gojo becomes its worst victim. This further solidifies him as one of Jujutsu Kaisen’s most formidable evil villains. Thus, the article will explain why Kamo is so notoriously famous.

Kamo’s Background

Noritoshi Kamo ancestor jjk

Noritoshi Kamo lived during the Meiji era in Japan. He’s descended from a long, prestigious line of sorcerers, which granted him access to unique techniques at a young age. He demonstrated immense talent, which earned him quick recognition and respect. Taking over the family temple provided Kamo the freedom to conduct his mysterious experiments away from prying eyes.

Driven by intellectual curiosity bordering on obsession, he pushed the boundaries of sorcery further than his contemporaries dared. His unchecked curiosity and isolation from scrutiny ultimately led him down an infamous path that forever stained his legacy. His most infamous act was taking prisoner a woman rumored to birth human-spirit hybrids. Over the course of several forced pregnancies, he created monstrous cursed beings by mixing the woman’s blood with his own innate techniques. This obsession led him to commit gravely immoral acts, including the creation of the cursed Death Paintings – warped fusions of sorcery and living beings.

Who Is The Current Noritoshi Kamo?

Noritoshi Kamo

The present, Noritoshi Kamo is a student at the Kyoto Metropolitan Jujutsu Technical School. He is a third-year student and one of the semi-regular characters of the series. Despite sharing the same name, he does not approve of his ancestor’s actions and seeks to restore honor to his family’s name.

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Both characters possess the Blood Manipulation Technique, a hereditary Cursed Technique of the Kamo Family, which allows them to control their blood and use it for various attacks and defenses. He has a rivalry with Megumi Fushiguro, a student from the Tokyo Metropolitan Jujutsu Technical School. Despite his cool exterior, he’s shown to be quite competitive and can be easily annoyed, especially by his Kyoto school peers.

The Hereditary Cursed Technique Of Kamo Family

Blood Manipulation

Blood Manipulation Technique is a hereditary curse technique of the Kamo Family. It’s one of the unique and powerful abilities that define the Kamo clan, which is one of the great families in the series. This technique allows the user to manipulate their own blood. There are various ways in which this technique can be utilized, and its application depends largely on the user’s creativity, skill, and power level. The blood can be manipulated both inside and outside the user’s body, making it a versatile and potent technique for both offensive and defensive combat.

  • Blood Edge: The user solidifies their blood into sharp weapons, such as blades or spikes, which can be used for close or ranged combat.
  • Flowing Red Scale: This technique enhances the user’s physical capabilities by increasing blood circulation. It can be used to boost speed, strength, and even healing rate. There’s an enhanced version of this technique called “Flowing Red Scale Stack,” which exponentially increases these effects but puts a lot of strain on the user’s body.
  • Piercing Blood: The user hardens their blood and shoots it like a bullet. This technique was used by Noritoshi Kamo.
  • Crimson Binding: The user can use their blood to create restraints, immobilizing their opponent.
  • Blood Meteorite: A technique used by the past Noritoshi Kamo, where he creates a giant ball of hardened blood and drops it on the enemy.

The Blood Manipulation Technique requires a significant amount of skill and control, and the user must also be careful not to lose too much blood, as this could lead to anemia or other health issues. Furthermore, as the blood has to be outside of the user’s body to be manipulated, the user often needs to injure themselves to use the technique, making it a high-risk, high-reward ability.

The Nine Death Paintings, offsprings of Noritoshi Kamo (Kenjaku), have inherited the Blood Manipulation Technique from their father. Choso, the eldest of the brothers, has demonstrated the most advanced use of the Blood Manipulation Technique among the brothers. He can use it to create blood-based weapons for attack and defense, control his blood outside his body, and even manipulate the blood within his own body to enhance his physical abilities. He can also sense his brothers’ blood and emotions.

Eso and Kechizu, the two youngest brothers, also possess the Blood Manipulation Technique, but their use of it is less advanced than Choso’s. Eso can use his blood to create a deadly poison, while Kechizu can use his blood to create a corrosive substance.

NEXT: Jujutsu Kaisen: Did Gojo Kill Hanami? Explained


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