Alan Wake 2: How To Manually Save

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Alan Wake 2 sees you control Saga Anderson and the titular Alan Wake as you navigate the dual narrative the game sets out before you. During your journey, you’ll have to overcome many difficult fights, and while the game does feature an auto save function, it doesn’t often keep up with you. You might end up losing anywhere from 15-20 minutes of progress if you make a critical error in one of the life-or-death encounters.

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When you pause the game, you’re able to view a Load tab, which shows 3 Auto Save slots and 3 Manual Save slots… but there’s no menu option to manually save your game. Rather than pulling your hair out in frustration, this guide covers exactly when and how you’ll be able to manually save the game so you can take control of your save file destiny.

Alan Wake 2

October 27, 2023

Remedy Entertainment

How To Manually Save Your Game

alan wake 2 manual save witchs hut

You’d think this functionality would be unlocked right from the start, especially when you might easily take 20 minutes to investigate a murder scene (without an auto save triggering at all). This is because Alan Wake 2 utilizes manual saves at specific locations throughout the game. Think of these as ‘choose your own checkpoints.’ You’ll come across these at set points throughout the maps you’re navigating. They’re usually found within cabins or side rooms, and they can be quickly identified by the bright white glow emanating from inside indicating the safe space. In these ‘safe rooms,’ you’ll be able to manually save your game at the coffee thermos on the table, as well as quicksave your game. You’ll also be able to access your stash (where you can drop off supplies when your inventory is getting too full), and you might also find bits of lore, like manuscript pages, or supplies to help stock up for the tough road ahead.

When Can You First Manually Save?

alan wake 2 witchs hut cauldron lake map location

The earliest you’ll be able to manually save your game will be in Return 2: The Heart. While you’re exploring Cauldron Lake campgrounds for the second time, follow Nightingale’s tracks down to the water, back to the base of Witch’s Ladle. Once you reclaim the manuscript page hidden in the tree, follow the map to the northeast a short ways until you reach the Witch’s Hut. Here, you’ll need to reclaim a fuse before the save location will have power (and thus allow you to save in the safety of its light).

To find the fuse, head west from the Witch’s Hut, over a short rickety bridge, and search the small campground for a fuse. You’ll find it back near the fire pit in a bin. Once you acquire it, return to the fuse box on the side of the witch’s hut, insert the fuse, and enter the building. While in the Witch’s Hut, you’ll be prompted to either quicksave or manual save.

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