Microsoft Teams will finally let you archive inactive channels

Microsoft Teams will soon allow you to archive channels that are no longer active.

Key Takeaways

  • Microsoft Teams is adding the ability to archive channels, allowing users to preserve a historical record of conversations and files easily.
  • Currently, Microsoft Teams only allows archiving of a team, not specific channels, which can be a drawback for preserving specific topic or project conversations.
  • The archiving channel feature will be available for Teams desktop and web clients starting in December, but the release date may be delayed if necessary.

Microsoft Teams is one of the best collaborative platforms with messaging capabilities that rival the best messaging apps. However, it lacks one basic functionality that many of those rival platforms have: the ability to archive Teams channels that are no longer in use. This will change soon, as Microsoft is working on the archiving channel feature for Teams to allow users to preserve a historical record of conversations and files easily.

As things stand right now, Microsoft allows you to archive a team as a whole but not specific channels. The notable drawback of this is that it cannot preserve the conversations related to a particular topic or project. However, archiving specific channels provides the advantage of allowing the rest of the team to continue active collaboration while keeping a dedicated historical record, helping users easily find and access channels that are relevant to them.

All of these benefits are now coming to Teams in the form of Archiving channels. And no, the archiving channel capability won’t be exclusive to Teams Premium, unlike the upcoming DALL-E integration in Teams.

While describing the feature (ID 123769) on the Microsoft 365 Roadmap page, the company noted that archived channels will be removed from the active teams and channel lists, and no more actions will be allowed. Owners and administrators will be able to restore the archived Teams channels if needed. The software giant has plans to start rolling out this feature for Teams desktop and web clients in a phased manner in December this year. Notably, December is a tentative release timeline, meaning the launch could be delayed to next year if things don’t go as planned.

Besides DALL-E integration and the archiving capability, Microsoft will introduce a plethora of new features in the coming months, as it did last month and before that.


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