Starfield: Andreja’s Personal Quest Walkthrough

Starfield allows players to truly get close to the characters that surround them. Whether you are trying to make friends with someone or create a lasting relationship that runs much deeper, you’re able to do a ton.

RELATED: Starfield: Which Companions Are Best For SneakingOne of the characters that you are able to build a relationship with (platonic or otherwise) is Andreja, Constellation’s newest member. She is a mysterious and quiet character that doesn’t open up easily. Here’s a guide to completing her personal quest.

Updated by Erin Rice on November 6, 2023: This update includes more information regarding the choices in this questline. It also added in-text links to help readers find what they need.

How To Unlock Andreja’s Personal Quest

Andreja, one of the members of Constellation

In order to unlock Andreja’s personal quest, Divided Loyalties, you must work hard to get Andreja to trust you. If you want to do this, you will need to adventure with her and speak to her anytime she is willing to talk. You will also need to ensure that you are doing things that will make Andreja happy. This means you need to be willing to talk to her and ensure you are doing things to make her happy.

Eventually, she will tell you she has some friends who were once attacked by House Va’ruun Zealots. Rather than staying and fighting with her friends, she left them there and escaped with her life. Now she wants to go back and find her friends and apologize for how she handled things and hopes you will go with her to speak to them.

Divided Loyalties Walkthrough

Andreja NPC in Starfield

Once you unlock the Divided Loyalties quest, Andrea will ask you to help her find her two friends, Eren and Jaeda. Last she had heard, both of these people were alive and well. She needs your help tracking them down so that she can make amends and right her wrongs. She heard that they may be in Akila City, a place that her friend Eren used to frequent during their time as close friends.

Finding Eren

Starfield - Andreja and Eren's Home

Once you head to Akila, you will need to go to the local bar, Aggie’s. Aggie will tell you that she saw Eren a year ago when he told her he found somewhere safe to hide from the Zealots. It turns out, he has been running from them for the past ten years. You and Andreja will need to pick up and head to Hyla II, the last known location of Eren.

Once there, you will need to head to Eren’s hideout where you will find the House Va’ruun Zealots. After killing them, Andreja will find a grave for Eren. It appears he died almost as soon as he settled on the planet. Inside his home, you will find correspondents in Eren’s bedroom that are with Jaeda, Andreja’s other friend. You will then need to head out in search of her.

Finding Jaeda

Starfield - Andreja and Jaeda's Ship

Andreja heard that Jaeda was stationed at The Den, a station for the UC Vanguard. She had joined the join specifically to find and destroy House Va’ruun Zealots. Once you arrive at The Den, you can speak to some of the officers in charge to learn that Jaeda has gone to the Groombridge Solar System in search of the Zealots. Upon traveling to the system, you will find Jaeda’s ship, The Raptor. Once you hail her ship, a group of Hose Va’ruun Zealots will appear and begin to attack you both.

After dealing with them, Jaeda will tell you that you can board her ship while she is making some repairs. Jaeda will tell you and Andreja that she knows Andreja sold them out to the House Va’ruun Zealots. She mentions the name Tomisar, and it turns out, he is Andreja’s contact with the High Council of House Va’ruun. Before you can get any more information from Jaeda, a House Va’ruun Zealot Captain attacks her ship.

Traveling To The Derelict Station

Starfield - Andreja and the Derelict Station

With the latest House Va’ruun Zealot dealt with, Andreja will ask you to talk to her. She will mention that she needs you to trust her and not ask any questions whatsoever. She needs you to travel to Station UCN-48 which is orbiting the planet Muphrid IV in the Muphrid system.

Once you arrive, Andreja asks that you do not make any sudden movements and do not seem hostile. Whatever you do, trust her and let her do her thing. She will tell you that this area is dangerous to you and could very well be dangerous to her as well. She will then allow you to meet Tomisar, her House Va’ruun contact. He makes sure Andreja realizes that bringing you is a breach of her contract with the faction. However, she does not care at all. He is the reason Eren lived in fear for ten years and Jaeda lived wanting revenge. She tells him that she wants him dead and knows the Great Serpent would agree with her decision.

RELATED: Starfield: How To Recruit Every Companion

Should You Allow Andreja To Kill Tomisar?

Starfield - Andreja and Tomisar

At this moment, you have three options.

  1. You can tell Andreja that Tomisar isn’t worth losing her connection to House Va’ruun
  2. You can tell her to kill him
  3. You can tell her you will kill him for her

The truth is, this choice doesn’t matter. No matter what is decided, Andreja will be shunned by House Va’ruun and never be able to return to her home. In the end, this doesn’t end well for Andreja. After you decide which option you want to do (allowing her to kill him is probably the best, she will feel better), you can meet Andreja in her room.

Meeting Andreja In The Lodge

Starfield - Andreja Marriage

After this quest is over, you can meet Andreja in her room at The Lodge. Once you meet her, you can tell her two different things.

  1. You love her and want a relationship
  2. You can tell her you want to be friends

She will mention that she refuses to share you, so if you are in another relationship, she will say she needs a best friend. If you aren’t in a relationship, you can begin one with her and get married. She will be heartbroken that she cannot be part of House Va’ruun anymore, but she knows that she already has a family here in Constellation. She may have been sent to spy on them, but in the end, they saved her from the life she was living.

NEXT: Starfield: How To Recruit Amelia Earhart


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