One Piece: 15 Darkest Characters, Ranked


  • One Piece explores darker territories through characters like Bellamy, Rob Lucci, and Enel, who embody varying shades of evil and moral ambiguity.
  • These characters have tragic backstories and twisted ideologies, serving as a counterpoint to the optimism and camaraderie of the Straw Hat crew.
  • The series continually introduces new dark characters, evolving their natures and keeping readers in sync with the latest twists and turns in One Piece.

One Piece, the popular manga and anime series, depicts the thrilling adventures of Monkey D. Luffy and his Straw Hat crew as they search for the legendary One Piece treasure. While renowned for its intricate world-building, humor, and friendship, the series doesn’t shy away from exploring darker territories.


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Throughout their journey, the crew confronts many characters who embody varying shades of evil, hostility, and moral ambiguity. These characters, often possessing tragic backstories and twisted ideologies, serve as a counterpoint to the optimism and camaraderie of the Straw Hats. Let’s explore One Piece’s dark characters, from power-hungry warlords to merciless pirates.

Updated by Dev Tugnait on December 2, 2023: We have updated the list with five new entries. As the series unveils new episodes, we see shifts and deeper insights into the characters’ darker natures. We’re committed to updating our list to mirror these developments, keeping you in sync with the latest twists and turns in One Piece.

one piece tag image

One Piece

Release Date
October 20, 1999

Action, Adventure, Fantasy

20 seasons (ongoing)

Toei Animation

15 Bellamy

Dream Crusher

Bellamy from One Piece

Bellamy’s Dark Characteristics

  • Steals for personal gain
  • Uses brute force to assert dominance

Bellamy the Hyena, initially portrayed as a malicious and ruthless pirate, exhibits a dark character through his actions and beliefs. His introduction in the Jaya Arc is marked by his plundering and brutal beating of Montblanc Cricket and his crew, showcasing his disdain for those who pursue dreams and his cynical view of the world.

This cruelty is further highlighted in his violent confrontation with Luffy, where Bellamy’s arrogance and mercilessness are on full display. His philosophy, heavily influenced by the Era of Might, under the shadow of his idol, Doflamingo, reflects a dark, cynical worldview where power and mockery reign supreme.

14 Rob Lucci

Government Assassin

Rob Lucci from One Piece

Rob Lucci’s Dark Characteristics

  • Uses lethal force
  • Killed 500 people as a child

Rob Lucci is a member of the secret government agency CP9. His chilling, dark nature is first revealed in the Water 7 and Enies Lobby arcs. Lucci initially appears as a seemingly benign shipwright named Lucchi, working undercover in the Galley-La Company. His true nature is revealed when other CP9 agents are exposed as the culprits behind the attempted assassination of Iceburg, the Mayor of Water 7.


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Lucci’s dark nature is also exemplified in his backstory, where, as a child, he massacred 500 soldiers and prisoners to quell a revolt, showing his early embrace of extreme measures. Lucci demonstrates a disturbing willingness to commit atrocities for the World Government.

13 Enel

Lightning God

Enel from One Piece

Enel’s Dark Characteristics

  • Has a God complex
  • Enacted brutal punishments for disobedience

Enel, the self-proclaimed God of Skypiea, exhibits a dark character through his god complex and merciless actions. Wielding the immense power of the Goro Goro no Mi, a lightning-based Devil Fruit, he forecibly enforces his will upon the inhabitants of Skypiea. His dark nature is vividly illustrated when he destroys Angel Island, showcasing his disregard for human life.

Enel’s plan to obliterate Skypiea with his Ark Maxim further cements his status as a tyrant. However, this plan ends in a fierce battle with Luffy. Enel’s actions are driven by a belief in his invincibility and a desire to assert his godhood, making him a darkly megalomaniacal character.

12 Gecko Moria

Master Of Shadows

Gecko Moria from One Piece

Gecko Moria’s Dark Characteristics

  • Disregards the value of life
  • Creates zombie army from shadows

Gecko Moria, the shadow-manipulating Shichibukai, is a dark character due to his unique abilities and actions. He rules over Thriller Bark, a massive ship island filled with undead creatures, a direct result of his Devil Fruit power, the Kage Kage no Mi. Moria’s darkness is evident in his exploitation of corpses and shadows to create zombie armies.

His past tragedy at the hands of Kaido, which led to the loss of his original crew, fuels his macabre approach to piracy, opting to use the undead rather than risk living comrades. This obsession with using others for his gain and his eerie, graveyard-themed abode underscores his dark nature.

11 Buggy

Star Clown

Buggy from One Piece

Buggy’s Dark Characteristics

  • Forms alliances for personal benefit
  • Vengeful towards those who cross him

Buggy the Clown, initially introduced as a comical and somewhat inept pirate, has a surprisingly dark side rooted in his past and actions. As a former member of the Roger Pirates, Buggy was part of the most notorious crew in One Piece. His cruelty is first revealed when he mercilessly attacks Zoro and Nami.

Despite his often humorous demeanor, Buggy’s actions in Loguetown, where he nearly executes Luffy, further illustrate his darker nature. One of the most notable changes for Buggy after the time skip is his elevation to the status of a Shichibukai, or Warlord of the Sea. Capitalizing on his newfound status, Buggy establishes Buggy’s Delivery, a mercenary dispatch service.

10 Captain Kuro

Deceptive Strategist

Captain Kuro from One Piece

Captain Kuro’s Dark Characteristics

  • Faked identity to exploit Kaya’s wealth
  • Planned to kill everyone who knew him

Captain Kuro, the main antagonist of the Syrup Village Arc, exemplifies a dark character through his cunning and deceitful nature. His initial plan to live a peaceful life by faking his death and assuming the identity of Klahadore, a butler, takes a sinister turn when he plots to kill his benefactor, Kaya, for her wealth.

Kuro’s past as the Captain of the Black Cat Pirates reveals his brutal nature, highlighted when he slaughters his own crew members to maintain his cover. His infamous Out of the Bag attack, a swift and lethal assault, showcases his deadly skills. Kuro’s willingness to manipulate and betray those who trust him marks him as one of the darker early villains.

9 Sir Crocodile

Master Of Deception

Sir Crocodile from One Piece

Sir Crocodile’s Dark Characteristics

  • Orchestrated coup to seize Alabasta Kingdom
  • Employed Baroque Works for criminal activities

Sir Crocodile, the former President of the criminal organization Baroque Works and a Shichibukai epitomizes a dark character through his ambition. His primary dark deed is his attempt to take over the Kingdom of Alabasta. He meticulously orchestrates a civil war by employing Baroque Works agents, like Mr. 2 (Bon Clay) and Miss All Sunday (Nico Robin), to manipulate the royal family and the rebel forces.

Crocodile uses his powerful Devil Fruit, the Suna Suna no Mi, and Dance Powder to dry the land of its resources by preventing rainfall. His willingness to sacrifice countless lives and his manipulation of an entire country’s political and social structure for power highlight his dark character.

8 Arlong

Vindictive Tyrant

Arlong from One Piece

Arlong’s Dark Characteristics

  • Deep-seated hatred for humans
  • Extorted money for survival

Arlong, the leader of the Arlong Pirates and a former member of the Sun Pirates, is a dark character due to his deep-seated hatred for humans and brutal treatment of them. Arlong invades Nami’s village, Cocoyasi Village, imposing a tyrannical rule and forcing the villagers to pay a large tax for their lives.


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His cruelty is most notably seen in his treatment of Nami. He manipulates her skills as a cartographer to further his own goals and keeps her under his control through a combination of intimidation and false promises. Arlong’s disdain for humans stems from his history of oppression under humans but manifests in extreme violence and oppression.

7 Caesar Clown

Mad Scientist

Caesar Clown from One Piece

Caesar Clown’s Dark Characteristics

  • Conducts experiments on children
  • Creates weapons of mass destruction

Caesar Clown is a central antagonist in the Punk Hazard Arc. As a former colleague of Dr. Vegapunk, he conducts inhumane experiments, including the development of deadly chemical weapons like the Synthetic Devil Fruit Compound (SAD) compound and the Shinokuni gas, showcasing his dark character and disregard for human life in pursuit of his ambitions and scientific achievements.

His cruelty is also starkly evident in his experiments on children, whom he abducts and gives drugs under the guise of treatment, causing severe side effects like accelerated growth. Caesar’s actions, driven by ego and greed, make him a darkly twisted and dangerous character.

6 Magellan

Impel Down’s Warden

Magellan from One Piece

Magellan’s Dark Characteristics

  • Uses deadly poison against prisoners
  • Shows little empathy towards inmates’ suffering

Magellan, the Warden of Impel Down, is a dark character due to his strict enforcement of justice. He oversees the world’s most secure prison, where the worst criminals are held. Magellan’s Devil Fruit power, the Doku Doku no Mi, allows him to produce and control various types of poison, which he uses without hesitation against prisoners and intruders.

This is evident in his battles with Luffy during the Impel Down Arc, where his poison nearly kills him. Despite his loyalty to the World Government and sense of duty, Magellan’s extreme methods, willingness to dispense deadly force, and the harsh conditions he oversees in Impel Down paint him as a dark figure.

5 Eustass Kid

Cruel Pirate Captain

Eustass Kid from One Piece

Eustass Kid’s Dark Characteristics

  • Violent approach to solve problems
  • Willing to harm civilians if they mock him

Eustass Kid, also known as Captain, is a notorious pirate known for his violent nature. His cruelty is first shown when it’s revealed that he crucifies defeated pirates and leaves them to die, a testament to his brutal approach to piracy. Unlike many other pirates who avoid civilian casualties, Kid has no such qualms about harming civilians.

His magnetic Devil Fruit powers are used in destructive and aggressive ways, further emphasizing his violent tendencies. Kid’s rivalry with Luffy and his participation in significant events like the Sabaody Archipelago incident and the Wano Country Arc also highlight his aggressive and unyielding nature.

4 Akainu

Embodies Absolute Justice

Akainu from One Piece

Akainu’s Dark Characteristics

  • Willing to sacrifice innocents
  • Orchestrated burning of Ohara

Sakazuki, known as Akainu, embodies darkness through his extreme Absolute Justice philosophy. As a Marine Admiral, later Fleet Admiral, his unyielding approach is shown during the Marineford War when he tricks Squard into attacking Whitebeard. His merciless nature is further highlighted in his relentless pursuit of Luffy and Ace, culminating in Ace’s tragic death by his hand.

Akainu’s willingness to sacrifice anything, including innocent lives, as seen in the Ohara incident, for his version of justice makes him a darkly formidable character. He represents the oppressive and uncompromising side of the World Government, willing to enact extreme measures for peace and order.

3 Kaido

Beast Emperor

Kaido from One Piece

Kaido’s Dark Characteristics

  • Relishes war and chaos
  • Enforces harsh rule over territories

Kaido, one of the Four Emperors, is marked by his love for destruction, immense power, and imposing presence. Known as the Strongest Creature in the World, Kaido’s darkness is evident in his disregard for life. His introduction in the Wano Country Arc, where he mercilessly defeats Luffy with a single blow, demonstrates his overwhelming strength and lack of empathy.


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Kaido’s role in the downfall of Oden Kozuki and the oppression of Wano’s people for decades showcases his tyranny. He perpetuates a regime of fear and subjugation, employing brutal forces like the Beast Pirates. Kaido’s suicidal tendencies, stemming from his search for a worthy death, add a complex, morbid twist to his character.

2 Donquixote Doflamingo

Charismatic Puppet Master

Donquixote Doflamingo from One Piece

Donquixote Doflamingo’s Dark Characteristics

  • Manipulates people as pawns
  • Exploits Devil Fruit power for control

Donquixote Doflamingo, a former Shichibukai and kingpin, exemplifies darkness through his manipulation, cruelty, and ambition. His backstory reveals a fall from Celestial Dragon status to a hated commoner, fueling his inhumane nature. Doflamingo’s dark deeds include orchestrating the Dressrosa coup.

His mastery of the Ito Ito no Mi Devil Fruit enables him to control others like puppets, used chillingly against Dressrosa’s citizens and in forcing King Riku to betray the Dressrosa kingdom. Doflamingo’s involvement in the underworld as the Joker, dealing in arms and artificial Devil Fruits, shows his far-reaching influence and moral corruption. His sadistic enjoyment of others’ suffering and twisted ideals make him a profoundly dark and compelling antagonist.

1 Marshall D. Teach

Treacherous Pirate Emperor

Blackbeard from One Piece

Marshall D. Teach’s Dark Characteristics

  • Murdered crewmate for Devil Fruit
  • Freed dangerous criminals to strengthen crew

Marshall D. Teach, also known as Blackbeard, is #1 on this list because he is a dark character and Emperor of the Sea known for his lofty ambitions, betrayal, and manipulation. His treacherous nature is first revealed when he murders Thatch, a fellow member of the Whitebeard Pirates, to obtain the Yami Yami no Mi Devil Fruit.

Blackbeard also infiltrates Impel Down Arc, where he frees notorious criminals like Catarina Devon to bolster his crew, demonstrating his lack of moral boundaries. Moreover, Blackbeard’s influence extends to the underworld, where he is involved in various illegal activities, including trading powerful Devil Fruits. Blackbeard’s opportunistic pursuit of power, regardless of the cost to others, makes him one of the darkest characters in One Piece.

One Piece Release Date

Episode Count


Where To Watch

October 20, 1999




NEXT: Most Powerful Anime Teams, Ranked


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