Dragon’s Dogma 2: Specializations, Explained

Specializations in Dragon’s Dogma 2 are passive abilities for Pawns that alter the Pawn’s behavior in interesting ways and give them additional ways to help the Arisen.


Dragon’s Dogma 2: How To Delete Save

Dragon’s Dogma 2 only features 1 save file and no easy way to delete it. You’ll need to dig into the files if you want to start on a fresh save.

Like most things in DD2, the specialization mechanic is poorly explained and left for players to figure out on their own. Here is how it works.

How To Unlock Pawn Specializations

getting the chirurgeon specialization in dd2

To start, your Pawns won’t have any specializations to their name. To unlock them, you’ll need to increase your affinity with certain NPCs, either by completing their quests or by giving them gifts. The first one you’re likely to unlock is the Chirurgeon specialization by completing Flora’s quest in Melve.

chirurgeon specialization tome in dd2

Once you meet the requirement, that NPC will give you a Specialization Tome that you can use to give your Pawn that specific specialization. Simply select the Tome in your inventory and use it.

To see what specialization a Pawn has, select Status from the pause menu, select the Pawn, and switch over to the Pawn tab. You’ll find both the Pawn’s inclination and specialization under Traits.

How To Change Specializations

learning chirurgeon specialization in dd2

Specialization Tomes are one-time-use items that expire after you use them, but you can find multiple Specialization Tomes by interacting with certain NPCs. However, unlike Augments, you can’t swap them around freely at your whim.

If you have the Chirurgeon specialization, for example, and switch to Logistician, the Chirurgeon specialization will be lost until you can find another tome for it and learn it again. In this case, the Logistician will be replaced.

I got the Chirurgeon specialization by getting a Fruit Roborant for Flora and visiting her family shop in Vernworth, but I also got another Chirurgeon Tome from the Rose Chateau Bordelrie by raising the affinity of one the ‘therapists’ to max. While this method works, it’s unclear how repeatable this is at this time. I’d advise finding a Specialization that you value and sticking to it. If you’re playing online, you can always hire Pawns from Riftstone, who have a specialization that you’re lacking.

All Pawn Specializations & Their Effects

Here are all the Specializations currently available to Pawns.




Makes the Pawn speak less. If you hire a Pawn with this specialization, be extra careful of Dragonsplague affecting them as the telltale signs will be harder to tell if they don’t speak often.


Gives the Pawn the ability to use healing potions on the Arisen and other Pawns. Can be quite useful during prolonged fights against large enemies.


Gives the Pawn the ability to point out enhancement material locations and mark them on the minimap.


Gives the Pawn the ability to buy items from you. Extremely useful for managing inventory during long treks.


Gives the Pawn the ability to craft ingredients into useful items automatimcally and move stuff around between inventories to manage carryweight.

Woodland Wordsmith

Gives the Pawn the ability to interpret Elvish for the Arisen. Useful if you want to explore the Arbor.


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