What Pawn Inclination Should You Choose?

Pawn Inclinations are actually an extremely important part of understanding your Pawn in DD2. Here’s how you can pick the best Inclination.

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Dragon’s Dogma 2 is a massive RPG that has an interesting system that allows you to summon Pawns to help you out. The Pawn System is a lot more complex than players might have originally thought when starting the game.


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One thing about the Pawn System that you may not understand has to do with Pawn Inclinations. You will be asked to pick an Inclination when you first create your Pawn, and then you will be tasked with picking a Vocation, and it needs to be one that goes with the Inclination. Here’s a guide to help you out.

What Do Inclinations Do?

Inclinations are basically how your Pawn responds to scenarios. Depending on the Inclination, they may run into battle, defend you, keep their cool, or just focus on non-battle-related things. Your Pawns will always follow their Inclination first unless they have Dragonsplague. Understanding what their Inclination means can be the difference between curing Dragonsplague and letting it destroy the village.

  • Calm – These Pawns will focus on fighting defensively and keeping their cool in battle.
  • Kindhearted – These Pawns will focus on healing your party, picking up fallen Pawns, and supporting the group.
  • Simple – These Pawns will focus on gathering resources, finding chests, and looking for points of interest.
  • Straightforward – These Pawns will focus on being offensive in battle, worrying more about killing the enemy than anything.

You can pick your Main Pawn’s Inclination and after that, you will want to pick Pawns whose Vocation and Inclination match well.

What Are The Best Inclinations For Each Vocation?

You want to make sure you’re pairing your Pawn’s Vocation and Specialization with the Inclination to create the best Pawn you can have. You won’t want a Vocation like Mage or Thief rushing into battle, so stay away from Pawns using those Vocations and the Straightforward Inclination. You also wouldn’t want your Warrior Pawn worrying about points of interest when they could be charging head-first at the enemy. You want to make sure you understand the Inclinations so that you can ensure your Pawns are all the best that they can be. Here’s a table to show you the best Inclination for each Pawn Vocation.

Pawn’s Vocation

Best Inclinations



  • Kindhearted
  • Straightforward





You can always change your Pawn’s Vocation, but you cannot change their Inclination.


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