Hugh Jackman reveals he was offered James Bond after playing Wolverine

Plucked from relative obscurity at the turn of the millennium, Hugh Jackman finds himself a household name when he brings Marvel’s Wolverine to life in the first X-Men movie. The Australian actor will go on to play the role for decades and is set to reprise it once again in Marvel Studios’ upcoming new Deadpool movie with Ryan Reynolds. After the massive success of the X-Men, Jackman found himself scrambled for several offers in Hollywood, including the part that many action-oriented stars would kill for, Ian Fleming’s James Bond 007.

talk with IndieWire In a new interview, Jackman opened up about that early part of his career and how it gave him trouble repeating himself. Jackman revealed (H/T Playlist). “You know, the heroic action star role. I mean, that was the meat and potatoes of a lot of American movies, this archetype. It was all different variations of heroic guys in tough situations. I was like, ‘Uh, no.’ it’s a problem. Jackman then admitted that the team at EON Productions placed a call about playing James Bond after Pierce Brosnan, likely in Casino Royale, adding, “I had a look at it. I was like, ‘If I’m doing that Wolverine, I won’t have time to do any.'” One more thing.” Obviously, I find it more fun to play people who color outside the lines.

Who will play the new James Bond?

After Daniel Craig’s stint as Agent 007 ends, the producers of the series once again find themselves looking for an actor to take on the role with an eye on an extended stay on the series. Sadly for Hugh, he’s probably too committed to playing Wolverine one last time (again) and seems out of contention for the James Bond role. In a previous interview, producer Barbara Broccoli indicated her hopes for an actor in his 30s.

“When you change the actor, you have to reimagine the direction the movie is going to go,” Broccoli said. empire. “When you hire an actor, you hope to spend at least a decade with them and make four, five, six movies with them. So you have to really think about, ‘What’s the path?’ What is this? Which actor will he attend? How will you move the series to another direction? ”

“It’s not just going through Spotlight and saying, ‘Oh, there’s a 6’1’ guy,” Broccoli continued. “We’re going to take our time. We want to understand where we want to go with the series and we want to do that before we bring in anyone else. We’ll probably start the process with [writers] rob [Wade] And Neil [Purvis] We’ll see where to go! “



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