How is Doctor Strange 2’s multiverse different from Rick and Morty and Loki

Doctor Strange in a multiverse of madness Writer Michael Waldron has clearly been hired for a certain talent: he’s one of the most successful TV writers working today when it comes to multiverse stories and alternate realities. Waldron is a writer at Rick and Mortyas Marvel Studios literally helped break the open multiverse in loki a series. However, it is safe to say that both are irreverent Rick and Morty and carefully orchestrated loki They did not play the same number of bets Dr. Gharib 2. phase zero audio notation I got a chance to talk to Michael Waldron and ask about the challenge of trying to convey the concept of the multiverse and alternate realities to a mass audience of moviegoers – and it doesn’t all sound silly. As Waldron explains, it was already quite a challenge:

“You don’t want to confuse the audience,” Waldron explained. “You could easily veer under all of that.” “In addition to the multiverse, this is a continuation of Wanda’s story. It is a continuation of Steven’s story. It is not a show like loki, where we had time to really live in these moments and explain them and the slow burden of explaining all these things. We had to move quickly. It’s about keeping her focus on the character and trying to find her core.”

Waldron might be hitting the nail in the head there: there’s a reason for that Rick and Morty – despite its great popularity – is a show for a specialized audience. Screams of sci-fi Rick Sanchez and his endless worlds of variables allow Waldron and his cohorts. To go to any and all lengths of imagination – places a photo prop in the studio can’t go. loki They didn’t explore the multiverse so much as presenting it as a defining concept – especially at the end, which one might fairly describe as “speaking”. Even with this limited introduction, loki Months of chat thread theories have sparked Marvel fans – the continuity question knot (and Avengers: Endgame comparisons) that have not yet been fully deconstructed.

That’s all there is to say: keep things simple Doctor Strange in a multiverse of madness It was a wise idea. According to Michael Waldron, when it came to the film’s alternate reality, “quality over quantity was definitely the way:

“The route we took, I thought the most interesting version of the multiverse story would actually be to invest entirely in one alternate universe reality — go there, and really feel like it’s a real place, with real stakes, real characters, history and everything,” Waldron continued. “Contrary to what we did Rick and Morty, which is more “you jump from cosmos to cosmos,” feels fast-paced and comedic. We wanted it to feel like the multiverse and the MCU, these are real places. That’s what we tried to show on screen.”

Doctor Strange 2 writer explains how mulitverse madness is different rick and morty loki-series.png
(Photo: Marvel Studios)

Dr. Gharib 2 The majority of her explorations of the alternate universe invested in Earth-838, a fact in which a very different group of Marvel heroes arose and united, forming the Illuminati to protect their reality and the multiverse from threat. Many fans wonder if Waldron’s focus isn’t on this very fact for good reason: because now that the Scarlet Witch has killed Earth-838’s heroes, their friends and family can come looking for revenge at the Secret Wars event.

Doctor Strange in a multiverse of madness It is now in theaters. Watch our full interview with Michael Waldron above!



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