Joseph Quinn on Eddie’s heroic death of Stranger Things, Metallica Solo

brake alert: Don’t read if you haven’t watched the fourth season of “Stranger Things,” which is now streaming on Netflix.

Joseph Quinn had no idea Eddie Monson’s plan when he joined “Stranger Things” on Netflix – but he knew he was excited to take part in a show he had seen from season one.

“I was told a little bit at first,” says Quinn, 29. diverse. “The Duffer Brothers told me I’d be in at least four episodes, but I wasn’t selected for another season, so I thought maybe if I did everything right, they might invite me again. That obviously didn’t work out! So they killed me, but that’s okay.” , I think. I’ll dust myself off!”

Little did he know that the heavy metal-obsessed bad boy leader of the “Hellfire Club” would become a fan favorite. He also had an epic performance that got everyone talking.

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Joseph Quinn as Eddie Monson in Stranger Things
Courtesy of Netflix

In the Season 4 finale, in order to distract the Democrats, Eddie and Dustin (Gatien Matarazzo) plan a metal concert — and a bit, it’s already working. The scene consists of Eddie standing over his trailer in Upside Down, completely smashing the machine version of Metallica’s play, The Master of Poppets.

“I was lucky because I learned guitar when I was younger, so I had the foundation. I wasn’t creative in any way, but when it came time to film it, I was able to get over it,” says Quinn. “We kind of had a black belt heavy metal guitarist take us through the solos, because that’s not going to happen! I couldn’t do that, but I can do the rest of it, which is lucky. It was a great experience.”

Music Supervisor Nora Felder confirmed Quinn was playing And that Metallica was very happy with it. “Joseph took the time to learn to play guitar, and was actually playing with an indicative track,” she says. “Everyone thought he did a great job.”

It was also a special experience for those in the group. “For a lot of the crew, it was the first time we all felt we were in a live music environment since the pandemic began,” Quinn says. “It was so fun being able to do that with Gaten.”

While Quinn is ten years older than Matarazzo, it was not at all difficult to form a relationship with him, which was clearly visible on the screen.

“It’s very easy if you really like this person,” Quinn says. “He’s a likable guy, and a brilliant actor, and I really appreciate the time we spent together on those scenes that are built to that last — and the last one itself. It was a real privilege.”

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Joseph Quinn and Gaten Matarazzo in Stranger Things
Courtesy of Netflix

Since the penultimate season of “Stranger Things” debuted last month, it’s been popular on social media and has gone viral on Netflix. Eddie “Chrissy, wake up!” The scene has become a very popular soundtrack to use on TikTok. As Quinn tries to stay away from social media, he’s seen it come.

“It’s funny,” he says, noting that he loves how passionate the audience is, because the cast and crew put in so much hard work for the intense season.

“Everyone’s endurance was tested; it was a really long shot. That was the hardest part – just to stay emotionally and spiritually invested, stay in this world and connected because you don’t want to do anything half-ass. It’s been a really, really long time – and that’s a problem Big we have to face,” he says. As for what the actors did in their spare time, it was quite simple: “We played a lot of spy, me and the gang. Joe. [Keery] And I drank a lot of La Croix, sitting talking. We’ll just try to make each other laugh and overflow.”

As Eddie’s current story ends, there is always a possibility to see him in flashbacks in the fifth and final season. Quinn joked, “That’s hope.”


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