Hogwarts Legacy: Sebastian Salo Affair Guide

Sebastian Salo is one of the three companions with whom you will spend the fifth year at Hogwarts and will take you on a dangerous and entertaining adventure in the footsteps of Salazar Slytherin himself, one of the founders of Hogwarts, along with Godric Gryffindor, Rowena Ravenclaw and Helga Hufflepuff.

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Sebastian is ready to delve into the mystery and uncover some of the darkest secrets that lie beneath Hogwarts soil and within its walls to help his beloved sister Anne, who is afflicted by a terrible curse – and friends leave no friends behind.

In the shadow of Undercroft

Entrance to Hogwarts Legacy Undercroft

After getting to know Sebastian during the first lesson of Defense Against the Dark Arts class and challenging him to a duel with the feel of the Harry Potter movies, you’ll be introduced to UndercroftA secret room hidden behind a fancy dresser. During this quest (which is part of the main quest line), inside Undercroft and your first meeting together, after completing a stick movement mini-game, you will be taught confringo Sebastian’s spell, blasting curse, and the essential part of your damaging combos.

under the estate

Hogwarts Legacy Anne Fieldcroft

The second step of this relationship guide is another task that is part of the main task. during under the estateyou will head to fieldcrofta quaint village in the Highlands around Hogwarts, and meet thatSebastian’s sick sister.

To start this mission, you must be at least level 15, but it is It is desirable that it be at least level 16 In order to unlock level 2 talents that will give you an edge in battles. After defeating a group of orcs, Loyalist Ranroks, you will find the first connection between Highlands and Undercroft.

Related: Hogwarts Legacy: Percival Rackham’s Trial Guide

Under the bloodline

Hogwarts Legacy Ominis

This step is easy, short, and attached to a side mission. You will have to speak to omnisSebastian’s friend, who is going to reveal some terrible information to you regarding a hidden gem Scriptorium Salazar Slytherin. You will learn about his terrible experience with one of the unforgivable curses, and you will have to start thinking about what position to take. Although it does not include an actual morality system, learning and using such forbidden spells will affect your play and experience in the world of Hogwarts Legacy.

under the study

Hogwarts Legacy Crusio

You will complete this step of the relationship path by completing three important steps:

  • Open the door using Incendio or Confringo On the cups on top of the statues, going down to the depths and face a Terrible trial that led to the death of Omenes’ aunt.
  • Open three gates By aligning the two linked symbols on each column topped with snakes that will sting you every time you enter the wrong combination.
  • They took a stand against using insults that are unforgivable. With the first option, you will refuse to learn Crucioand Sebastian will cast a spell on you to open the final door, while choosing the second and third options will let you know the curse, and you will be subject to the curse respectively or cast on your friend Slytherin.

After completing these steps, Sebastian will obtain Salazar Slytherin’s spellbook.

In light of the discovery

Hogwarts legacy remains

After completing the main mission Charles Rookwood Trial, you will have to go to Undercroft, watch an argument between Sebastian and Ominis, and then have a brief discussion with the latter. You will realize the next important step in the search, find a relic that, according to Sebastian, can allow you Reversing dark magic curses.

In the light of time

Hogwarts Legacy Omniscience Dialogue Imperio

after finish from fire and deputy, this step will open. Near Fieldcroft, you will explore the catacombs, where you will have to Solve environmental puzzles Include skeletons.

  • Accio and Vingardium Leviosa It will allow you to place the bones on pillars to create bridges and on the door to proceed through the first section.
  • For the second part involving the tokens, you will have to cast them Mantra ‘Akiu’ On the handles near the doors. You will have to follow descending order for each door.

In the final part of this quest, you will have to take a stand against the Unforgivable Curses. You will have a chance to learn Imperiobut only if you ask Sebastian directly or afterwards, if you refuse to stand by Omenes during his dialogue and don’t have any second thoughts.

Related: Hogwarts Legacy: Hogsmeade Field Guide Pages

under the distance

Hogwarts Legacy Sebastian Undercroft Dialogue

Another filler and a short task that will lead you to the next important step. You will only have to talk to Sebastian in Undercroft.

under mine

Hogwarts Legacy Matilda Weasley

after getting transformation spell, which will be taught to you by Professor Weasley, you will have to reach Sebastian in the Overlook Mine, defeat the enemies inside, remove spider webs with fire spells like Confringo and Incendio To unlock a path and solve a simple puzzle that requires you to cast the basic spell by using the right trigger on the symbols to unlock the door.

After getting the triptych and entering Isidora’s Journal, you will enter the portal that will lead you back to the Undercroft, where you will have to put the picture in place.

Related: Hogwarts Legacy: How to find the Room of Requirement

in the shadow of the mountain

Hogwarts Legacy Portrait of Undercroft

To restore the canvas with the final triptych, you will have to follow approximately the same pattern as the previous mission in similar situations. Additional steps will require you to lift an object immediately after repairing the track with Reparo on the debris blocking the stairs. In the end, you will return to Undercroft through the corridor. When you finish the photo with this task’s reward, you will Access Isidora’s memory through the Pensieve and open the next step.

Under hope

Hogwarts Legacy Anne Sebastian

In a short, dialogue-driven mission, you will meet Sebastian and Anne and become aware of the growing interest in them Suleimantheir uncle who is afraid to descend into the darkness of a student of Slytherin.

under the effects

Hogwarts Legacy Anne in the Catacombs

This is one of the most heart touching missions in the entire game and it will end with a shocking discovery. To complete this task, you need to follow these steps:

  • Meet Omenes and Anne at the entrance Fieldcroft Catacombs.
  • Defeat Inferi, keeping it lit since then, without fire spells; They are immune to damage.
  • Solve the structural puzzles using the Accio deck and Wingardium Leviosa, as you did in the previous missions.
  • Defeat Solomon In a tough fight with the boss and focus on it because Inferi spawns endlessly.

After witnessing an emotional scene, you will have to follow Sebastian outside to the catacombs, you can stigmatize his choice and refuse to learn Avada Kedavra, or you can say that everyone should know this curse and follow the evil steps of the darkest wizards.

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under fate

Hogwarts Legacy Solomon's Dead

This step is perhaps the most important in the search for Sebastian’s relationship, and after the terrible murder of his uncle Solomon, you have to choose his fate in a dialogue with Omenes:

  • If you choose to turn him in and don’t change your mind, Sebastian will be captured and taken to the Ministry of Magic.
  • If you choose not to turn it in, it will remain at Hogwarts. You’ll also still have the chance to learn the Three Unforgivable Curses.

Under revelation

Hogwarts Legacy Victor Rookwood

It is a prelude to the later part of Sebastian’s relationship. In this short quest, you will tell your friend the terrible truth behind Anne’s curse. This was not the goblin’s doing, but the responsibility for the deed was that of Victor Rockwood, one of the game’s main antagonists, an ally of Runrock, and a descendant of Charles Rockwood.

under friendship

Sebastian friendship dialogue the legacy of hogwarts

To start the last step of this mission, you must complete the main story first. Depending on your choice regarding the arrest of Sebastian, you will have a dialogue in Undercroft. If you decide to hand over Sebastian, you will meet Omenes; Otherwise, you will find Sebastian waiting for you.

Next: Hogwarts Legacy: How to Level Up Fast


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