Derek Jeter supports Freddy Freeman’s ex-agent Casey Close amidst drama

MLB legend Derek Jeter has backed agent Casey Close, who recently found himself embroiled in an argument over Freddy Freeman’s feud with the Braves.

Freeman’s departure has always been a bit odd, especially given his rumored preference for staying in Atlanta. However, the overwhelming story last winter was that Freeman wanted a sixth year on his deal, and the Braves wouldn’t go that far.

This led to his eventual departure, signing with his hometown Dodgers on a six-year contract.

End of the story, isn’t it? Not so fast.

Freeman returned to Atlanta last weekend for a touching modern day party at the World Championships. Face the brave Dodgers this weekend in Trust Park. The longtime Atlanta sports champ couldn’t hold back his feelings and even broke up with agent Casey Close over the weekend. Rumors about the split started to circulate, including one report by FOX Sports’ Doug Gottlieb.

Close vehemently denied this report, and vowed to pursue legal action if necessary to refute it and clear his name. It’s easy to see why, as it would be a disgrace to the agency’s reputation if it were accurate.

MLB legend Derek Jeter supports Casey Close

It is important to realize that Close represents the geter.

Jeter began on Twitter: “I’ve known Casey since I was 18.” “Over the past 30 years, we have had our share of differences of opinion, but to this day, he remains a trusted advisor and friend. He is a man who values ​​ethics, integrity and above all honesty and transparency.”

Jeter and Close have worked together since 1993. If anyone knew his intention, it would be Jeter.

Maybe Claus and Freeman didn’t fit in well, or Freeman simply needs a change of scenery as he sorts out his feelings. Freeman hasn’t given much feedback yet, and has instructed all customers not to contact him in the meantime.


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