NFL Twitter is built for a no-nonsense Pro Bowl

According to CNN.

The new look may sound like a silly concept, but it will be an exciting game changer that all players, teams, and fans hope to see in a reimagined format.

Now, fans are bringing their enthusiasm to Twitter with some over-the-top reactions.

NFL fans on Twitter are boosted for the Pro Bowl remake

Understandably, fans shared their enthusiasm for the game wasn’t necessarily the most important. Some had some funny (and some serious) reactions to the Pro Bowl news that it wasn’t “Pro Bowl” anymore.

Certainly, not everyone is excited to watch a flag football match, in particular, played by professionals. However, the general consensus is that it’s much better than the previous Pro Bowl watching that not many enjoyed.

The reimagined “Pro Bowl games” are a step in the right direction, and many are excited to see the change.


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